Search Results for: A Stream to Follow

The Judaisms of Jesus’ Followers, From Broken To Beautiful, and Where Was God When I Needed Him Most?: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks

The Judaisms of Jesus’ Followers on Kindle

The Judaisms of Jesus’ Followers ($0.99) by Dr. Juan Marcos Bejarano-Gutierrez: The Jewish sect which ascribed Jesus the title of Messiah was eventually transformed into a non-Jewish movement wholly separated from its Jewish context. The transformation was not instantaneous, and there were deviating or at the least parallel streams of Jesus supporters early on. Discover early Christianity as a type of Judaism.

This deal is good on December 21, 2023


From Broken To Beautiful (The Secret to Being Calm and Happy Book 1) on Kindle

From Broken To Beautiful (The Secret to Being Calm and Happy Book 1) ($0.99) by Chenelle Lee Hitchcock: Take back control of your life and recover from burnout, with this transformational guidebook – no matter how broken you feel! Learn how to create simple habits that will improve your energy, health and happiness; including how to sleep, what and when to eat, how to set boundaries, reset your stress response and increase your self-love.

This deal is good on December 21, 2023


Where Was God When I Needed Him Most? Finding Christ Even In My Darkest Hour on Kindle

Where Was God When I Needed Him Most? Finding Christ Even In My Darkest Hour ($3.99) by David R. Clark: David R. Clark was a successful lawyer, an elder in his church, and a husband and father. Life was filled with opportunity—until it wasn’t. In 2014, David became 100% disabled due to toxin exposure in Iraq as a U.S. Soldier back in 2007. It felt like everyone, especially God, had abandoned him. This book details David’s journey to God anew.

This deal is good on December 21, 2023


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Self Discovery, Income Stream, Plant-Based Recipes, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Cheat Play Live (Because You Can) on Kindle

Cheat Play Live (Because You Can) ($0.99) by Lisa Edwards: This is a story of a life lived outside the rules for women. It is an intimate and honest portrayal of a journey beyond an unhappy marriage, a high-flying career, and a nice house in the country. What happens when Lisa leaves all that behind and follows her heart? Find out in this voyage of self-discovery set on the sun-drenched beaches of the world.

This deal is good on February 11, 2023


Happy With Baby: Essential Relationship Advice When Partners Become Parents on Kindle

Happy With Baby: Essential Relationship Advice When Partners Become Parents ($0.99) by Catherine O’Brien: Less sleep, stressful life changes, and even postpartum depression are things most new parents know are possible when the baby arrives. This guide gives you communication skills and relationship strategies that new moms and dads need during their baby’s first year and beyond. Transform into a couple who works together to be the best caregivers for your baby.

This deal is good on February 11, 2023


Peonies for Perpetual Profit: Our proven method for an easy income stream with perennial flowers on Kindle

Peonies for Perpetual Profit: Our proven method for an easy income stream with perennial flowers ($4.99) by Karen Gesa: Looking for an additional income stream? Learn how to grow, harvest, and sell beautiful, perennial peony flowers harvested from your backyard. Or maybe you’d like to keep them for yourself? Find out which varieties make the best-cut flowers and fill your home with peonies every spring.

This deal is good on February 11, 2023


Becoming Elite: What it takes to transform your life using 4 proven pillars of performance on Kindle

Becoming Elite: What it takes to transform your life using 4 proven pillars of performance ($0.99) by Erik Westrum: Learn how to get results by implementing an elite mindset both professionally and personally in order to make a change in your life. This will be accomplished by utilizing the four proven pillars of performance creating a daily shift in your life; psychologically, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

This deal is good on February 11, 2023


Money and The Law of Attraction: Advanced Manifestation Techniques to Easily Attract Wealth, Success, and Abundance on Kindle

Money and The Law of Attraction: Advanced Manifestation Techniques to Easily Attract Wealth, Success, and Abundance ($0.99) by Mia Hammond: You know what you want. You dream about it daily. An abundant life in every sense of the word, a fulfilling career aligned with your soul’s purpose. But you just can’t manifest it as much as you try! In this book, I will show you how to unlock the true power of the law of attraction with tried and tested methods, broken down step by step so you can turn your dreams into reality.

This deal is good on February 11, 2023


Whole Food Everyday Cookbook: 101 Healthy Plant Based Recipes Made Easy on Kindle

Whole Food Everyday Cookbook: 101 Healthy Plant Based Recipes Made Easy ($0.99) by Lana Avery: Discover the food that’ll get you the most out of your ‘whole’ life with the Whole Food Everyday Cookbook! Satiate your hunger for a healthier life as this cookbook teaches you how to make over 100 plant-based recipes – from breakfasts and snacks to dinners and desserts – that are easy to follow and even easier to consume. Get your copy today!

This deal is good on February 11, 2023


Brain Glue: How Selling Becomes Much Easier By Making Your Ideas "Sticky" on Kindle

Brain Glue: How Selling Becomes Much Easier By Making Your Ideas “Sticky” ($0.99) by James I. Bond: One of the most powerful “Selling and Persuasion” books ever! If you are serious about boosting the selling power of your ads, emails, social media posts, and presentations, you need to get this revolutionary marketing book. “Mind-blowing…” — Jack Canfield, Coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series. “Editor’s Pick” from Publishers Weekly.

This deal is good on February 11, 2023


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Bonus eBooks for April: She Writes Press $0.99 Sale!

She Writes Press $0.99 Sale!

This month, we’re working with She Writes Press to run a $0.99 Spring eBook Sale! 🌷 All books in this issue will be a steal at just $0.99 and will span multiple genres. Get ready to discover your next favorite book without breaking the bank!

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Literary Fiction

A Letter In The Wall

By Eileen Brill

Moving through several decades and events – from the 1918 influenza pandemic to Prohibition to the Great Depression to Vietnam – A Letter in the Wall examines the internal and external factors that influence one woman’s journey toward independence and empowerment.


This deal is good on April 23rd, 2023

Literary Fiction

A Stream To Follow

By Jess Wright

A riveting narrative that moves from post-WWII America to battle-sieged England to the killing fields of Alsace, A Stream to Follow plunges deep into the crucible of trauma and gives fresh vision for paths to redemption—ultimately weaving an uplifting tale of valor, resilience, and enduring love.


This deal is good on April 23rd, 2023

Literary Fiction

A Week Of Warm Weather

By Lee Bukowski

A gripping, nuanced exploration of the havoc addiction can wreak on a family, A Week of Warm Weather is the story of a woman who has to figure out how much she is willing to lose in order to find herself.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

American Blues

By Polly Hamilton Hilsabeck

Writer Hilton Als recently commented: “We need to wake up to the fact that America is not one story. It is many, many, many stories.” American Blues offers no neat resolution. Instead, its timely story invites, as it tangles with, readers’ own assumptions and complex experiences of race and gender in America.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

An Upside-Down Sky

By Linda Dahl

An Upside-Down Sky’s cast of characters, including their Namyanese guide, mirrors America: straight, gay, gender-fluid, black, brown, white, progressive, conservative, artistic, repressed, old, young. Some of them accept Nanyam’s charming façade at face value, while others seek to understand the country’s brutal repression by the military and ongoing ethnic conflicts. And most, resistant as they might be to change, are transformed by their time there.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Community Klepto

By Kelly I. Hitchcock

Set in suburban Kansas City in the early 2010s, Community Klepto—a droll combination of Bridget Jones’ Diary and Choke—makes incarnate the characters and shenanigans that go on in every gym in the world.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Finding Grace

By Maren Cooper

Told by all three of the characters involved and set against the backdrop of Lake Superior, Finding Grace is a piercing chronicle of the struggles and eventual insight gained by each over the years, starting with Charles and Caroline’s courtship and continuing into Grace’s early adulthood—and a poignant coming-of-age journey for both Grace and her parents.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Home So Far Away

By Judith Berlowitz

A fictional diary set in interwar Germany and Spain allows us to peek into the life of Klara Philipsborn, the only Communist in her merchant-class, German-Jewish family. A blending of thoroughly researched history and engrossing fiction, Home So Far Away is an epic tale that will sweep readers away.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Hope, A History Of The Future

By Gayle Kellner

One quiet afternoon in 2037, Joyce Denzell hears a thud in her family’s home library and finds a book lying in the middle of the room, seemingly waiting for her—a book whose copyright page says it was published in the year 2200. Over the next twenty-four hours, each of the Denzell family members discovers and reads from this mystical history book from the future, nudged along by their cat, Plato.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Ice Out

By Susan Speranza

Francesca Bodin has a near-perfect life as an accomplished music teacher and professional flutist living in the Vermont countryside with her husband Ben, and their four-year-old daughter, Addie. This ends suddenly when a snowmobiling accident traps the three of them in a frozen lake. Ben, after escaping onto the ice, leaves her and Addie to die.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction


By Laurie Buchanan

Burdened by the pressing weight of survivor’s guilt, Sean McPherson, an ex-cop, is desperate for redemption. At Pines & Quill, a writer’s retreat in the Pacific Northwest, he and his fiancée, Emma Benton, are planning their lives together. He wants to go back into law enforcement. She plans to walk again.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Magician Of Light

By Billi Jo Fremont

For fans of Marie Benedict, Lauren Willig, and Diana Gabaldon, comes a Gothic romance about the charming and ambitious glassmaker René Lalique, the mysterious Englishwoman he falls in love with and their haunting encounters. Magician of Light illuminates the dark side of Lalique’s life while spinning a suspenseful tale of twisting fates. An enthralling love story filled with historical intrigue and overshadowed by the unknowable.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Rhino Dreams

By Kathryn Williams and Carolyn Waggoner

Set against the formidable backdrop of the Namib Desert, Rhino Dreams dramatizes the crisis of endangered species preservation and the horrors of poaching, interweaving this very real ecological darkness with the internal and external battles of three characters driven by fierce passions and divided notions of duty, ambition, and desire. It is a sometimes humorous, sometimes poignant ride—and, in the end, a testimony to how tenuous and precious both life and love can be.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction


By Gary Durbin

When James Forrest agrees to help detectives understand the artificial intelligence work of a murder victim, it seems simple enough. But then he finds that she was investigating a stolen version of the same AI he’s experimenting with—and the situation becomes more complicated.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Speed Of Dark

By Patricia Ricketts

Mary Em wants nothing more than to end her anguish. Mosely is searching for the love he’s been missing most of his life. And Mishigami—who fears he is dying from rampant pollution and overfishing—seeks a champion. A story of friendship, survival, connection and the unquestioning power of nature told through three distinct voices, Speed of Dark affirms a love of humanity that transcends all else, including race and background.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Blue Butterfly

By Leslie Nack

New York 1915, Marion Davies is a shy eighteen-year-old beauty dancing on the Broadway stage when she meets William Randolph Hearst and finds herself captivated by his riches, passion and desire to make her a movie star. Following a whirlwind courtship, she learns through trial and error to live as Hearst’s mistress when a divorce from his wife proves impossible.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Bus To Beulah

By E.C. Hanes

On her way to a new job in America, Maria Puente accidentally discovers a human trafficking ring. Fearing exposure, the American company that manages the operation—with the help of their Mexican partners—kidnaps Maria.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Language Of Birds

By Anita Barrows

Narrated by Gracie and alternating back and forth between 2002, when the sisters are still children/adolescents, and 2017, when they are in their early adulthood, The Language of Birds is a story of coming to understand what seems unfamiliar and indecipherable, and of finding authentic ways to be with the people you love.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Lives Of Diamond Bessie

By Jody Hadlock

Pregnant out of wedlock, sixteen-year-old Annie Moore is sent to live at a convent for fallen women. When the nuns take her baby, Annie escapes, determined to find a way to be reunited with her daughter. But few rights or opportunities are available to a woman in the 1860s, and after failing to find a respectable job, Annie resorts to prostitution in order to survive.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Spy’s Wife

By Jane Hughes

How would it feel to wake up one morning and discover that you’re married to James Bond? Shelley has always believed that her husband is a mild-mannered management consultant—but then one morning his picture appears on CNN above the headline “CIA Spy David Harris is Source of British News Leak.”


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The T Room

By Victoria Lilienthal

A luscious, propulsive, humorous romp, The T Room is sure to prove irresistible to every yogi and yoga mom familiar with that Saturday-morning-bookstore trajectory that starts with Self-Help, diverts into Romance, and lands heartfirst in Spirituality.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Tree House On Dog River Road

By Catherine Drake

Twenty-eight-year-old Hannah Spencer wants nothing more than to change everything about her life. After ten years of living in cities, Nathan Wild has just moved back home to Vermont and doesn’t want to change anything about his. A witty, romantic, and inspiring story of a young woman taking control and making tough choices about love and work to build the life she wants, The Treehouse on Dog River Road will have you rooting for Hannah every step of the way.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Valley

By A.M. Linden

Llwddawanden is a hidden sanctuary where remnants of a once-powerful pagan cult carry on their ancient ritual practices, supported by a small but faithful following of servants, craftsmen, and laborers. Cut off from the outside world by both geography and conviction, the Druids of Llwddawanden continue to venerate the Great Mother Goddess and to view themselves as the first-born and favorite of Her mortal children.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Walled Garden

By Robin Farrar Maass

American grad student Lucy Silver arrives in England hoping to solve a longstanding literary mystery, write her dissertation, and finish her graduate studies in a blaze of academic glory. But as Lucy starts to piece together the correspondence between her late grandmother and Elizabeth Blackspear, the famous poet and garden writer who’s the subject of Lucy’s dissertation, she discovers puzzling coded references in the letters.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction


By Shelley Blanton-Stroud

It’s 1939. On the brink of World War II, Jane Benjamin wants to have it all. By day she hustles as a scruffy, tomboy cub reporter. By night she secretly struggles to raise her toddler sister, Elsie, and protect her from their mother. But Jane’s got a plan: she’ll become the San Francisco Prospect’s first gossip columnist and make enough money to care for Elsie.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Waterbury Winter

By Linda Henley

Barnaby Brown has had enough of freezing winters, insurmountable debt, a dead-end job, and his solitary life as a young widower with no one but his beloved parrot Popsicle. He yearns to move to California and reawaken his long-lost early life as an artist. But new troubles come in threes.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

What We Give, What We Take

By Randi Triant

In 1967, Fay Stonewell, a water tank escape artist in Florida, leaves for Vietnam to join the Amazing Humans—a jerry-rigged carnival there to entertain the troops—abandoning her disabled teenage son, Dickie, to the care of an abusive boyfriend. 


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Where Time Begins

By Sasha Paulsen

Amidst encounters with sharks and one octopus (meetings far less harrowing than those she has with missionaries and ex-lovers over the course of her adventure), Shelley untangles a web of stories reaching back decades, leading her to conclude that Tonga may indeed be what its king has proclaimed: the place where time begins.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

Will’s Surreal Period

By Robert Steven Goldstein

When William Wozniak, a San Francisco artist who has struggled for years in obscurity, suddenly and inexplicably finds himself painting in a startlingly new surreal style, he is embraced by the art world.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

Literary Fiction

The Well of Truth

By Elizabeth Gould

Incorporating elements of fantasy, mysticism, and lore, The Well of Truth follows a female heroine through poignant moments of her adult life. Through the initiations of marriage, raising children, getting divorced, going through menopause, losing loved ones, and ultimately making an independent life for herself, she gains insight and spiritual wisdom from unexpected places.

This deal is good on April 23th, 2023



With A Heart Full Of Love

By Katrina Maloney

From the fall of 1918 to summer 1919, six YWCA women are attached to the North Russia Expeditionary Forces, an international military mission posted in the city of Arkhangelsk, North Russia. With this change, Clara Taylor’s second year working for the YWCA in Russia turns out to be vastly different from her previous year in Moscow.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


You’ll Forget This Ever Happened

By Laura Engel

In You’ll Forget This Ever Happened, Laura Engel takes us back to the Deep South during the turbulent 1960s to explore the oppression of young women who have committed the socially unacceptable crime of becoming pregnant without a ring on their finger. After being forced to give up her newborn son for adoption, Engel lives inside a fortress of silent shame for fifty years—but when her secret son finds her and her safe world is cracked open, those walls crumble.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Feeling Fate

By Joni Sensel

A grief memoir with a paranormal twist, Feeling Fate explores how a dark intuition magnified Sensel’s love and gratitude in the time she and Tony had together before her premonition came true. Faced with evidence of a grand design alongside her grief, she’s torn between faith and skepticism. While she’s nearly undone by the pain of her loss, she eventually discovers that a sassy imagination and the irrational insights of the heart can both defeat despair and transform her grief into meaning.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Dear Dana

By Amy Daughters

When Amy Daughters reconnected with her old pal Dana on Facebook, she had no idea how it would change her life. Though the two women hadn’t had any contact in thirty years, it didn’t take them long to catch up—and when Amy learned that Dana’s son Parker was doing a second stint at St. Jude battling cancer, she was suddenly inspired to begin writing the pair weekly letters.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Project Escape

By Lucinda Jackson

Lucinda Jackson, a harried scientist and business executive, sets off to make a break from her corporate decades and have an “extraordinary” retirement. She launches into a five-phase “Project Escape,” complete with a vision, goals, and a scorecard of success to deliver this next chapter.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Dragons In My Classroom

By Barbara Kennard

As a young book lover with dyslexia, Barbara found the solution to her reading struggles in Miss Gluding, her first grade teacher, who showed compassion for her student’s plight—and knew how to help her. From that time on, Barbara knew what she wanted to be: a teacher, just like Miss Gluding.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Seeing Eye Girl

By Beverly Armento

As the “Seeing Eye Girl” for her blind, artistic, and mentally ill mother, Beverly Armento was intimately connected with and responsible for her, even though her mother physically and emotionally abused her. She was Strong Beverly at school—excellent in academics and mentored by caring teachers—but at home she was Weak Beverly, cowed by her mother’s rage and delusions.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


In Our Blood

By Caitlin Billings

When Caitlin Billings became a therapist, she did so with an intention to heal from her past. She wasn’t planning on a mental health relapse or an involuntary psychiatric hold. She was a mother now. A mental health professional. She thought the issues she’d faced in her past were dealt with, tucked away forever. She was wrong…


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Sunday Afternoons And Other Times Remembered

By Ben Ewell

In this decades-long saga, there is marriage and divorce, love and loss, family and friendship; there are political campaigns and business ventures, some failed and some fruitful. Ultimately, this is a story of perseverance in the face of tragedy, of creating opportunities out of problems, and of appreciating the gift of life and the world around us—with some humor along the way.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


The Memory Of All That

By Mary MacCracken

From the award-winning bestselling author of books about autistic and learning-disabled children, Mary MacCracken, comes an engaging memoir of love, marriage—and Alzheimer’s. Braving divorce to be together, Cal and Mary help each other overcome setbacks in their work. Cal’s inventions are increasingly successful; Mary’s first book is published to much acclaim, followed by three more. It seems nothing can stop them.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


The Shell And The Octopus

By Rebecca Stirling

This is the story of Rebecca Stirling’s childhood: a young girl raised by the sea, by men, and by literature. Circumnavigating the world on a thirty-foot sailboat, the Stirlings spend weeks at a time on the open ocean, surviving storms and visiting uncharted islands and villages. 


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


The Virgin Chronicles

By Marina Delvecchio

As if this is not enough, Kathy enters the dating scene in search of love only to find herself fending off young men who want her just for sex. In each relationship, Kathy uncovers her own strength and conviction as she fights for the kind of sex she wants instead of the kind of empty sex boys seem to require of girls. The more demands they make, the more determined she is to hold out for love—even if it means losing a guy or going home single and alone. 


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Burning Woman

By Sharon Strong

Through it all, Sharon honors her experiences—even the most painful ones—because she knows that each one helps shape who she is. Ultimately, Burning Woman is a passionate love story about the adventure of aging that will inspire readers to feel their strength and commit to living their lives to the fullest and with a sense of pride and purpose.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023



By Laura Whitfield

A stirring memoir about a young woman’s quest to find hope and stability after devastating loss, Untethered is Laura’s story of overcoming shame, embracing faith, and learning that taking risks—and failing—can lead to a bigger life than you’ve ever dared to imagine.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Ivy Lodge

By Linda Murphy Marshall

After both her parents die, Linda Murphy Marshall, a multi-linguist and professional translator, returns to her midwestern childhood home, Ivy Lodge, to sort through a lifetime of belongings with her siblings. Room by room, she sifts through the objects in her parents’ house and uses her skills and perspective as a longtime professional translator to make sense of the events of her past—to “translate” her memories and her life.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


This Or Something Better

By Elisa Stancil Levine

In This or Something Better, Elisa revisits her past and the one force in which she has always found true kinship: the wild river. Nature, her lifelong ally, gave solace . Through teen pregnancy, her baby’s stillbirth, and a mystical near-death experience at eighteen, nature shaped her character, and it later informed her wildly successful career. But was there an unintended consequence?


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Beyond The Next Village

By Mary Anne Mercer

Beyond the Next Village is Mary Anne Mercer’s memoir of discovery, growth, and awakening in 1978 Nepal, which was then a mysterious country to most of the world. This unique story of the joys and perils of one woman’s journey in the shadow of the Himalayas, Beyond the Next Village opens a window into a world where the spirits were as real as the trees, the birds, or the rain—and healing could be as much magic as medicine.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023



Big Dreams

By Donna Barnes

Big Dreams is Donna’s story of pursuing her education goals while confronting society’s assumptions about women’s roles in work, marriage, and motherhood from the 1950s through the mid-2000s, helped along by the evolving social movements for equality.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023



Open Deeply

By Kate Loree, LMFT

A full one-fifth of the United States has engaged in consensual non-monogamy (CNM) at some point in their lives, and 29 percent of adults under thirty today consider open relationships to be morally acceptable—yet there are few resources to turn to when it comes to navigating this more non-traditional and explorative territory. Non-monogamy is a wild and woolly ride—and Open Deeply is here to help make it a great one.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Carry Me

By Frieda Hoffman

Through Hoffman’s own journey and those of nineteen women she interviewed, Carry Me explores universal themes of grief, bearing witness, transforming adversity into opportunity, and the paradox of feeling alone while sharing a common experience. The diverse women and narratives unpack the physical, emotional, and financial challenges of loss; notions of womanhood and motherhood; and the intersections of public health, body politics, and patient care.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Don’t Wear Shoes You Can’t Walk In

By Michelle Douglas

Michelle Douglas asked and answered this question almost every day for ten years, writing down one thing she learned each day from ages twenty-one to thirty-one. In these pages, she shares her experiences and learnings from the adventures that lie ahead for young adults—moving, working, loving, losing, quitting, building, and more, all while attempting to maintain a strong sense of self.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Butter Side Up

By Jane Enright

Inspired, and inspiring, award winning author Jane Enright’s extraordinary uplifting memoir of surviving three life-altering events in the span of a year, losing almost everything, and coming out the other side stronger, more resilient, and happier than ever before is compelling and thought provoking. A feel-good story that everyone can relate to and learn from, Butter Side Up shows there can be happiness and joy after the unexpected—and a super awesome life, too.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023



By Susan Salenger

Sidelined: How Women Manage & Mismanage Their Health discloses how women have been marginalized and hesitate to take control over their own healthcare. But what’s behind this nationwide medical crisis? Too often, women downplay or ignore their symptoms to avoid being “difficult,” often blaming themselves for serious illness.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023


Work Jerks

By Louise Carnachan

Author Louise Carnachan has the credentials and experience to make her an expert in this area, but more importantly, she’s been in the trenches herself. With an emphasis on the positive actions you can take while being attentive to your specific situation, Work Jerks provides practical advice on how to deal with a variety of problematic coworkers—whether in-person or remotely—so work can stop being something you dread and start being something you enjoy.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023



Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis

By Stephanie Raffelock

In response to the multitude of global crises we’re currently experiencing, editor Stefanie Raffelock put out a much-needed call to her writing community for art to uplift and inform the world, and the authors of She Writes Press answered. Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis—a sometimes comforting, sometimes devastating, but universally relatable collection of prose, poetry, and art about living through difficult times like these—is the result.


This deal is good on April 23th, 2023

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Clarity and Confidence, Resilient Mindsets, and Manifested Success: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Business Accounting A$AP: Simplify Your Books, Amplify Your Profits

Business Accounting A$AP: Simplify Your Books, Amplify Your Profits ($3.99) by John Cousins: Drowning in numbers and financial ‘what-ifs’? Finance expert, John Cousins helps you master financial statements, manage cash flow, avoid costly mistakes, and streamline accounting with tech. Step into “Business Accounting A$AP” and gain the clarity and confidence to eliminate stress and build lasting financial success.

This deal is good on January 24, 2025


CDL-Minded Business Investing Mastery: 2-In-1 Guide for Success

CDL-Minded Business Investing Mastery: 2-In-1 Guide for Success ($4.99) by Joe Ryder: In a rapidly changing economy, finding a recession-proof industry to invest in can be a game-changer. The trucking and transportation sector, worth over $730 billion annually, offers a unique opportunity for individuals looking to build wealth and create passive income streams.

This deal is good on January 24, 2025


Mental Toughness Playbook

Mental Toughness Playbook ($4.99) by Charlee Boss: The ‘Mental Toughness Playbook’ is the ultimate guide for athletes, coaches, and parents, packed with actionable strategies to build a resilient mindset for sports and life. Whether you’re supporting a young athlete starting their journey or preparing for a high-stakes season, this book provides the tools you need to excel. Grab your copy today and start building the mindset of a champion!

This deal is good on January 24, 2025


Healing Your Child In A Year Or Less! Workbook

Healing Your Child In A Year Or Less! Workbook ($0.99) by Kai M. Jordan: Do you feel held back by unresolved wounds from your past? Are you struggling to silence the inner critic and feel truly at peace with yourself? If you’re tired of carrying emotional baggage that prevents you from living your best life, ‘Healing Your Inner Child in a Year or Less! Workbook’ is your solution.

This deal is good on January 24, 2025


The Secret Adoption

The Secret Adoption ($1.99) by Rafael Moscatel: Praised by Publisher’s Weekly and Kirkus Reviews, this evocative, emotionally charged story follows an illegitimate child placed with a powerful Hollywood family after a scandalous affair. As his adoptive mother struggles to conceal the truth, cracks appear in her facade, leaving him haunted by an unsettling feeling that something is being hidden.

This deal is good on January 24, 2025

Kindle Nook Apple Books Google Play

Dream It, Manifest It, Live It: Your Manifestation Book to Create the Life of Your Dreams

Dream It, Manifest It, Live It: Your Manifestation Book to Create the Life of Your Dreams ($0.99) by J. V. Collins: Discover the practical guide to turning your dreams into reality! ‘Dream It, Manifest It, Live It’ combines proven techniques, goal-setting strategies, and a 30-day manifestation journal to align your thoughts, energy, and actions. Start manifesting confidence, clarity, and results today!

This deal is good on January 24, 2025


Letting Go of Social Anxiety for Teens: 7 Simple Steps to Master Social Skills, Build Self-Confidence, and Make Friends that Last

Letting Go of Social Anxiety for Teens: 7 Simple Steps to Master Social Skills, Build Self-Confidence, and Make Friends that Last ($0.99) by Samantha Walsh: This guide helps teens overcome social anxiety and feel confident being themselves. Through step-by-step guidance, teens discover how to make friends and enjoy social situations without stress. You’ll learn how to express yourself freely and turn challenging social situations into opportunities.

This deal is good on January 24, 2025


The Power of Persistence: How to Stop Quitting on Yourself and Achieve Your Goals

The Power of Persistence: How to Stop Quitting on Yourself and Achieve Your Goals ($0.99) by John Martin: What if you could train your mind to never give up? In “The Power of Persistence”, John Martin shares simple, effective tips for staying focused and achieving your goals. Build unshakable confidence and unlock your true potential by mastering the art of persistence. Take control of your life and create your own success. Start today!

This deal is good on January 24, 2025


Take Charge of Your Life: Unlocking Influence, Wealth, and Power

Take Charge of Your Life: Unlocking Influence, Wealth, and Power ($0.99) by Jim Rohn: Ready to transform your life? “Take Charge of Your Life” by Jim Rohn is your guide to unlocking success, mastering leadership, and living with purpose. Discover proven strategies to build confidence, harness influence, and embrace life’s challenges. Start creating the life you deserve!

This deal is good on January 24, 2025


Have these deals expired? Sign up for our email to find out when books in your favorite genre go on sale.

Insurance Guides, SPY Options Scalping and, Carnivore Cookbooks: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Elevate Your Income With Modern Vending: Take Back Your Time With This Passive Income Stream

Elevate Your Income With Modern Vending: Take Back Your Time With This Passive Income Stream ($1.99) by Michael Hoffmann: Do you want to know the secret formula that has transported so many people the world over from zero to billionaire? Do you want to see your financial goals and aspirations come true?

This deal is good on December 22, 2024


I Don't Think They Heard Me: Suicide Notes and Letters by the Reknowned and Infamous

I Don’t Think They Heard Me: Suicide Notes and Letters by the Reknowned and Infamous ($0.99) by Brian Whitney: Sometimes people are ready to leave. When they do, many write down their last thoughts in an attempt to gain understanding, revenge, or sympathy. Others simply want to explain their actions. What follows is a collection of suicide notes and letters written by authors, actors, artists, musicians, athletes, and murderers.

This deal is good on December 22, 2024


Atomic Green: Nuclear Power Can Stop Climate Change

Atomic Green: Nuclear Power Can Stop Climate Change ($1.99) by Mary Fran Reed, PhD: Time is running out to fight climate change! Global warming is the defining crisis of our time. In ATOMIC GREEN, Dr. Mary Fran Reed reveals how safe, advanced nuclear power can produce clean, scalable energy to combat global warming. She debunks myths, finds hope, and tells how we can take action for a sustainable future. Order your copy now.

This deal is good on December 22, 2024


Breaking Free From Anxious Attachment: Strategies to Manage Low Self-Esteem, Fear of Abandonment, and the Need for Reassurance to Help Improve Your Personal and Intimate Relationships

Breaking Free From Anxious Attachment: Strategies to Manage Low Self-Esteem, Fear of Abandonment, and the Need for Reassurance to Help Improve Your Personal and Intimate Relationships ($3.99) by C Timothy Morgan: Have you ever felt that twist in your stomach—worries that your loved ones might leave you one day? Ever daydreamed about a relationship realm where uncertainties take a backseat and tranquility becomes the norm? To make it a reality, here’s a guide that will kick your doubts to the curb! A roadmap to feeling good about yourself—get tips that really work, making your relationships feel strong.

This deal is good on December 22, 2024


Building Insurance Your Guide

Building Insurance Your Guide ($2.99) by Michael A.N.P. Cretikos: I aim to enhance property owners’ readiness to evaluate accurately the correct BSI Value (Building Sum Insured) they should have to minimize out-of-pocket costs for supplementary costs besides the sum insured.

This deal is good on December 22, 2024

Kindle Kobo

Scalping Made Easy: The Quick Guide to Quick Profits

Scalping Made Easy: The Quick Guide to Quick Profits ($4.99) by D.S Holding: “Scalping Made Easy” Master the art of scalping with this concise guide for traders of all levels. Learn to identify profitable trades, manage risk, and build discipline for consistent results. Packed with actionable strategies, this book simplifies the process of scalping to help you succeed in the fast-paced world of day trading.

This deal is good on December 22, 2024


The Carnivore Instinct: Beef Cookbook (The Carnivore Instinct Series 3 Cookbooks in 1 Box Set: The Ultimate Carnivore Collection Book 3)

The Carnivore Instinct: Beef Cookbook (The Carnivore Instinct Series 3 Cookbooks in 1 Box Set: The Ultimate Carnivore Collection Book 3) ($1.99) by Garrett Lane: Looking for a way to feel stronger, healthier, and more energized? “The Carnivore Instinct: Beef Cookbook” is here to help you unlock the incredible benefits of a meat-based diet. Packed with beef recipes that are not only nutritious but also deeply satisfying. You’ll learn how to: Select the best cuts. Prepare them with confidence. Use the right techniques to make each dish perfect.

This deal is good on December 22, 2024


Have these deals expired? Sign up for our email to find out when books in your favorite genre go on sale.

Empowering Teens, Inspiring Journeys and, Small-Town Charms: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Parenting Teens with ADHD (Happy Decluttered Life Book 10)

Parenting Teens with ADHD (Happy Decluttered Life Book 10) ($0.99) by Kai M. Jordan: In “Parenting Teens with ADHD,” Amazon best-selling author Kai M. Jordan draws from years of experience as a life coach and parent advocate. Having faced similar struggles with many family members, friends, and clients, Jordan intimately understands the frustration and confusion that parents often encounter when raising adolescents with ADHD.

This deal is good on December 21, 2024


Iowa Murder Tour: Horror In The Cornfields

Iowa Murder Tour: Horror In The Cornfields ($0.99) by Nick Vulich: An eerie collection of true crime stories from Iowa’s past.

This deal is good on December 21, 2024


Octogenarian Odyssey: More Than Just a Journey

Octogenarian Odyssey: More Than Just a Journey ($2.99) by Robert D. Fletcher: Discover an Extraordinary Adventure. At 82, I cycled from Alaska to Panama City, setting a Guinness World Record. This isn’t just a travel story—it’s proof that life’s greatest adventures can begin at any age. Filled with breathtaking scenery, personal reflections, and moments of resilience, this book will inspire you to chase your dreams.

This deal is good on December 21, 2024

Kindle Author Store

CDL-Minded Business Investing Mastery: 2-In-1 Guide for Success

CDL-Minded Business Investing Mastery: 2-In-1 Guide for Success ($4.99) by Joe Ryder: In a rapidly changing economy, finding a recession-proof industry to invest in can be a game-changer. The trucking and transportation sector, worth over $730 billion annually, offers a unique opportunity for individuals looking to build wealth and create passive income streams.

This deal is good on December 21, 2024


Revitalize Your Body

Revitalize Your Body ($2.99) by Nicole Reap: Unlock mind-body harmony with “Revitalize Your Body: The Ultimate Guide to Somatic Therapy and Vagus Nerve Health.” Discover easy-to-follow techniques to reduce stress, ease chronic discomfort, and boost resilience. Learn practical exercises, mindful practices, and breathing techniques for emotional stability, relaxation, and better gut health. Start your wellness journey today!

This deal is good on December 21, 2024


A Self-Improvement Workbook Series, Drafting Your Hero & Villain (Hero Book 1)

A Self-Improvement Workbook Series, Drafting Your Hero & Villain (Hero Book 1) ($0.99) by Raven: How do you know you’re living the life you actually would want? Who would the hero in you choose to become? And what would the villain say instead? Most of us listen to both and become the profane title of average, and so go by unnoticed. This workbook guides you to choose a life the best you (not the author) would desire.

This deal is good on December 21, 2024


Java for Beginners: Build Your Dream Tech Career with Engaging Lessons and Projects

Java for Beginners: Build Your Dream Tech Career with Engaging Lessons and Projects ($4.95) by Swift Learning Publication: Java for Beginners is a step-by-step guide that takes you from zero to a confident Java programmer. With easy-to-understand lessons, hands-on exercises, and a bonus chapter on using ChatGPT for programming, this book is perfect for beginners looking to start a career in tech and build practical coding skills.

This deal is good on December 21, 2024


Smart Money Skills for Parents of Teens

Smart Money Skills for Parents of Teens ($0.99) by Reno Smith: Unlock financial wisdom for your teen’s future with “Smart Money Skills for Parents of Teens”! This ultimate guide equips you to teach essential skills–budgeting, saving, credit, and investing. Build confidence through meaningful conversations about real-life finances. Pair it with the companion book, “Smart Money Skills for Teens by Reno Smith,” for a comprehensive family approach to finance.

This deal is good on December 21, 2024


Have these deals expired? Sign up for our email to find out when books in your favorite genre go on sale.

Cosmic Journeys, Thoughtful Reflections, and Empowering Guides: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

The Only Book Needed to Understand Tarot (Tarot Illuminations: Discovering Mastery in Every Card)

The Only Book Needed to Understand Tarot (Tarot Illuminations: Discovering Mastery in Every Card) ($0.99) by Lorenzo Chong: As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without; As The Universe, So The Soul Discover Tarot as more than cards—it’s your cosmic guide. Each page unveils a journey through celestial threads. Dive into history, archetypes, and symbols that mirror your deepest truths. This isn’t just a reading; it’s a journey to the greatest oracle within—yourself.

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


Winter (Exmoor Tales Book 2)

Winter (Exmoor Tales Book 2) ($0.99) by Ellie Keepers: A personal journal of life living on Exmoor. From her cottage in the heart of the Exmoor National Park, Ellie writes lyrically on all aspects of life on Exmoor. The text is accompanied by over sixty full-colour photographs of the landscapes, trees, flowers, and wildlife to be seen there. A book for locals and visitors alike.

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories

Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories ($4.95) by Quan-Hoang Vuong and Minh-Hoang Nguyen: The book explores the economic roots of the climate crisis, critiquing the destructive impact of mainstream economics on the Earth. The book also proposes a thought-provoking quantum-informed perspective on economic systems that are more aligned with real-world uncertainty, interconnection, and ecosystem dynamics to address environmental problems.

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


Meandering Sobriety

Meandering Sobriety ($2.99) by Quan-Hoang Vuong: “One of the most engaging and thought-provoking books I’ve read. The mix of humor and deep thinking takes you on a refreshing journey. Each story is packed with wisdom, blending everyday situations with philosophical ideas in a natural way. I loved how the book challenges you to reflect on your life without being preachy.” — Thomas Johnson, US reader

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


Mastering AI Prompt Engineering: The Ultimate Guide for ChatGPT Users

Mastering AI Prompt Engineering: The Ultimate Guide for ChatGPT Users ($4.99) by Adriano Damiao: Mastering AI Prompt Engineering is your guide to unlocking AI’s full potential. Learn to craft precise, effective prompts for accurate results, creative content, and problem-solving. With practical tips and advanced techniques, this book empowers you to turn AI into a powerful collaborator. It all starts with the right prompt!

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


The Deep Transformation Self-Love Workbook for Women

The Deep Transformation Self-Love Workbook for Women ($2.99) by J. Finn: This workbook will help you prioritize you in just 10-15 min in the morning & at night. You’ll finally be able to make meaningful changes to achieve that beautiful life you’ve always wanted but never had a spare moment to work towards. Plus enjoy 2 additional bonus downloads and exclusive access to a supportive community via weekly live Zoom calls!

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


Pain-Free Joints: The Ultimate Guide to Modifying Your Lifestyle for Joint Health

Pain-Free Joints: The Ultimate Guide to Modifying Your Lifestyle for Joint Health ($0.99) by Sandy Bravo: Is Joint Pain preventing you or someone you love, from enjoying life to the fullest? Then this book is for you! It offers simple and practical advice on how to modify your diet, exercise regimen, and regular daily activities to attain better joint health and bring back joy into your life.

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


Pet Loss: The Hardest Goodbye

Pet Loss: The Hardest Goodbye ($2.99) by Jennifer McGowan: Losing a pet means losing a beloved companion and a piece of your heart. The grief can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. “Pet Loss: The Hardest Goodbye” offers comfort and guidance to help you honor your pet’s memory, navigate grief, and find peace. Because healing isn’t about letting go–it’s about honoring the love they gave you.

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


Inner Peace: Top Quotes, Ideas, and Insights to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Live a Better Life

Inner Peace: Top Quotes, Ideas, and Insights to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Live a Better Life ($2.99) by Maxime Lagacé: If you want more peace in your life, this book is for you. In “Inner Peace”, you’ll find quotes, ideas, and insights from the best thinkers in the world. You’ll find people like Osho, Plato, Cicero, and Thoreau who will inspire you to simplify and live a better life. It’s a guide to feel less overwhelmed, and more in control.

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


The Carnivore Instinct Green Cookbook

The Carnivore Instinct Green Cookbook ($1.99) by Garrett Lane: LOOKING FOR DELICIOUS VARIETY ON YOUR CARNIVORE DIET? The Carnivore Instinct: Green Cookbook—your guide to transforming everyday carnivore meals into delicious, satisfying experiences with eco-friendly ingredients and simple, flavorful recipes. You Will Enjoy: Simple and Tasty Recipes, Practical Tips and Tricks, and Effortless, Flavorful Cooking.

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


The Anti-inflammatory Diet Cookbook for Beginners

The Anti-inflammatory Diet Cookbook for Beginners ($2.99) by Thomas O. Harvey: Unlock the transformative power of anti-inflammatory foods with our expertly curated cookbook. Delight in 100 easy and delicious recipes, featuring vibrant photographs that inspire creativity in the kitchen, offering a feast for both the eyes and the palate.

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


Vegan Gluten-Free Delights Cookbook for Mind, Body, and Soul

Vegan Gluten-Free Delights Cookbook for Mind, Body, and Soul ($1.99) by Doris Beasley and Martha Beasley: Discover 105 vegan, gluten-free recipes thoughtfully crafted to nourish your body and soul. From hearty lunches to savory dinners, delightful desserts, and flavorful sauces, each recipe is easy to follow and packed with taste. Elevate your meals with this essential guide to vibrant and healthful cooking!

This deal is good on December 11, 2024


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Facing the Past and Understanding Creatures: Discounted Fantasy and Science Fiction eBooks

Shadow's Past (Shadowstalker Series Book 2) on Kindle

Shadow’s Past (Shadowstalker Series Book 2) ($1.99) by Natalie Johanson: Rose will learn the past never stays buried. Ancient history won’t be forgotten and duties won’t be ignored. This award-winning second installment of the Shadowstalker Series forces Rose to face her past as new and worse struggles arise.

This deal is good on April 9, 2024

Kindle Nook Kobo

The Past Sucks (TimeDogz Book 1) on Kindle

The Past Sucks (TimeDogz Book 1) ($0.99) by Tim C. Taylor: History is your playground; do whatever you want there. Because the present doesn’t care. And the past can’t complain. Or so it was until Stiletto Caldwell arrived, and ruined everything… A dash of humor, the pinch of romance, and an oversized dollop of shenanigans. It’s the perfect recipe for time travel adventure: TimeDogz.

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


Tribal Logic (The Tribal Wars Book 4) on Kindle

Tribal Logic (The Tribal Wars Book 4) ($0.99) by Stella Atrium: Follow favorite characters on new adventures when a bloodless coup takes place on Stargate Junction. Jesse Hartley and Hershel Henry are caught up in the chaos and rescue missions. Can they reunite, or is the romance lost forever?

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


The Mesozoic: Creatures of the Malignant Thicket on Kindle

The Mesozoic: Creatures of the Malignant Thicket ($0.99) by Demetria Meltinos: Humans and Dinosaurs were never meant to live together, yet here they are. Fara Adven is one of the few who truly understands the creatures, making it her life’s mission to follow in her father’s footsteps. She ends up saving a baby Hybrid and landing herself, and the creature, in the spotlight of not just her City-State, but in an unknown war.

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


The Falconcrest Chronicles (Series 1, Books 1-4) on Kindle

The Falconcrest Chronicles (Series 1, Books 1-4) ($0.99) by J. Traveler Pelton & TBear Pelton: The complete four book omnibus of the Clan Falconer series is just the right blend of magic, tech, dragons, romance and terror. If you love magic/tech, dragons, strange powers, brave heroes and braver women, medieval futures and terrible pasts, and a touch of romance, you are going to love the complete set! Get yours while it’s on sale!

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


The Voodoo Queen and the Vampire Witch (Books 1-10) on Kindle

The Voodoo Queen and the Vampire Witch (Books 1-10) ($0.99) by Theophilus Monroe: Two Complete Paranormal Fantasy Series in one volume! The Voodoo Legacy: Can Annabelle Mulledy embrace her calling as a mambo without becoming a pawn in the scheme of voodoo demigods? The Legacy of a Vampire Witch: How does a young witch, who becomes a vampire, end up becoming the key to saving the world 130 years after she’s turned?

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


It's Over or It's Eden on Kindle

It’s Over or It’s Eden ($0.99) by Rebecca M. Zornow: The war against aliens is over. Earth lost and soldier Arwen Cruz heads north where she finds a group of survivors cut off from society long before aliens arrived. There, Arwen discovers a dark secret—a key to reviving her planet—if she can survive long enough to uncover it.

This deal is good on April 9, 2024

Kindle Nook Kobo

Pixie Rebels Complete Series Boxed Set on Kindle

Pixie Rebels Complete Series Boxed Set ($0.99) by Martha Carr: What happens when a gang of rogue pixies takes the troublemaking just a little too far? They get noticed by the U.S. Army and playtime is over. Now that they’ve been caught, they can either sign their lives away to enter an experimental new program for magical Army soldiers or accept a one-way ticket back to Oriceran. Can Z and her cousins rein in the chaos as new magical Army recruits?

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


The Zoo on Kindle

The Zoo ($0.99) by Michael Todd: Fountain of Youth, or Valley of Death? The future of mankind is growing in the Sahara Desert. The government needs the best of the best military and scientific minds working out how to pull the secrets from the ZOO while keeping the deadly fauna and flora in check. Join intrepid adventurers in book 1s of six series as they take on the ZOO!

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


Initialize (Mod Superhero Book 1) on Kindle

Initialize (Mod Superhero Book 1) ($0.99) by Samuel Fleming: Emmett was used to being caught between college and his engineering internship, but when he gets caught between a powerful hero and an even stronger villain, he becomes collateral damage. Instead of dying, he wakes up a cyborg. Turns out his boss wasn’t just an eccentric inventor, and the old man just gave him a shining opportunity to be a hero.

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


The Glitched Realm: Vanguard Unleashed on Kindle

The Glitched Realm: Vanguard Unleashed ($2.99) by Max L. Evel: In the fantasy realm of Eternal Quest, Alex Lev was a legendary Vanguard warrior with a successful streaming career. But a glitch in the new expansion has overwritten the rules. The Glitched Realm is a revolutionary GameLit, LitRPG, “Regression Fantasy” that shatters boundaries while staying true to the Genre. Brace for a mind-bending thrill ride challenging your grasp on reality itself.

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


Mexican Rebels (Lost Jewish Mage Series: Bibi Caan's Fall From Grace Book 1) on Kindle

Mexican Rebels (Lost Jewish Mage Series: Bibi Caan’s Fall From Grace Book 1) ($1.00) by Maxwell Hoffman: Bibi Caan and his Golem – Abaddon have both been summoned by the Faustinos – Trini and Virgilio who have been leading an uprising against the Lalo Cartel and General Orlando Malvina. Little do both sides know, Bibi has his own agenda…

This deal is good on April 9, 2024


Have these deals expired? Sign up for our email to find out when books in your favorite genre go on sale.

Gripping Tales, Beacons of Hope, and Workout Routines: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Beyond Bars: A Memoir of Arrest, Resilience, and Spiritual Awakening

Beyond Bars: A Memoir of Arrest, Resilience, and Spiritual Awakening ($0.99) by Rose Schilling: Rose’s journey from a simple life to facing FBI charges unfolds in this gripping tale. Losing everything, she finds strength in adversity and spiritual awakening through prayer. A story of hope amidst despair.

This deal is good on March 18, 2024


Why You're Not Healing: 10 Radical Shifts for a Lasting Whole Body Transformation

Why You’re Not Healing: 10 Radical Shifts for a Lasting Whole Body Transformation ($0.99) by Faith Davis: If you’re stuck in a cycle of chronic symptoms and you feel like you’ve tried everything to heal naturally without results, this book will be your beacon of hope. You’ll discover the myths that are holding you back, how healing really works, and how to get your body and mind to work together to heal you. Are you ready to heal yourself naturally?

This deal is good on March 18, 2024


A Non-Techie Beginners' Guide to Cybersecurity and Privacy

A Non-Techie Beginners’ Guide to Cybersecurity and Privacy ($0.99) by TechEd Publishers: This book, aimed at beginners without a tech background, delves into Cybersecurity and Privacy. It starts with the basics, including cyber threats and ethical/legal aspects, then offers a 5-step guide on data protection, online privacy, threat mitigation, security assessments, and cultivating a cybersecurity mindset for safety.

This deal is good on March 18, 2024


From Gut Health to Mental Wellness

From Gut Health to Mental Wellness ($0.99) by Healthfit Publishing: This book targets those struggling with gut-related stress, anxiety, and depression, highlighting the significant gut-mind connection. It presents a unique, medication-free path to mental wellness through a scientifically-backed, 4-part holistic program that combines mindfulness meditation, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to overcome these issues.

This deal is good on March 18, 2024


How To Grow Vegetables In Pots & Containers (The Urban Farmer Series Book 1)

How To Grow Vegetables In Pots & Containers (The Urban Farmer Series Book 1) ($0.99) by Luke Potter: Start spring by learning how to grow vegetables in pots and containers. It’s an excellent option for small spaces. With the right knowledge, you can cultivate crops like tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, beans, carrots, cucumbers and more! You’ll save money on groceries and eat healthier while enjoying the Zen of gardening. Master this useful skill today!

This deal is good on March 18, 2024


The 6-Week Resistance Training Book (Home Workout, Weight Loss & Fitness Success Book 7)

The 6-Week Resistance Training Book (Home Workout, Weight Loss & Fitness Success Book 7) ($0.99) by James Atkinson: Resistance training is for everyone and it’s an excellent fat-burning training method! Choose between: – Bodyweight exercise – Exercise bands – Barbells and dumbbells. With the correct diet and a simple resistance workout routine that suits you, the next six weeks could be positively life-changing! Let’s get started!

This deal is good on March 18, 2024


Learn Hebrew for Adult Beginners: 3 Books in 1: Read, Write, and Speak Hebrew in 30 Days!

Learn Hebrew for Adult Beginners: 3 Books in 1: Read, Write, and Speak Hebrew in 30 Days! ($0.99) by Explore ToWin: Ready to Read, Write, and Speak Hebrew in 30 Days? The world is rich with diverse cultures, and Israel – a vibrant hub of history and innovation – awaits your exploration. This 3-book Hebrew course is your fast-pass to fluency. We’ve developed a streamlined system that takes the overwhelm out of learning, so you can make the most of your time while enjoying the process. 3 books in 1.

This deal is good on March 18, 2024


Anxious Body: Anxious Mind: Fix Your Brain and Your Mind Will Follow

Anxious Body: Anxious Mind: Fix Your Brain and Your Mind Will Follow ($4.99) by Dr Shirley Barr MD: The best way to manage anxiety is to fix your brain first. Maybe you’ve tried working on your thoughts, without success. That’s because your brain is only running on 3 wheels. Would you like to have a tip-top brain, focus clearly, and banish brain fog? Dr Shirley MD shows you the way in this exciting new book, packed with information and easy tips.

This deal is good on March 18, 2024


Have these deals expired? Sign up for our email to find out when books in your favorite genre go on sale.

Foot Soldiers, Travel Adventures, Teenage Guides, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

A Path to Excellence: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Greatest Potential on Kindle

A Path to Excellence: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Greatest Potential ($0.99) by Tony Jeton Selimi: Are you ready to redefine your success story, unleash your power, conquer challenges, and soar to new heights? This riveting book offers revolutionary insights into overcoming challenges and empowering your personal and professional life. Unearth the success strategies you didn’t know you needed with this essential read for ambitious minds!

This deal is good on December 12, 2023

Kindle Kobo Apple Books

Watching for Dragonflies: A Caregiver's Transformative Journey on Kindle

Watching for Dragonflies: A Caregiver’s Transformative Journey ($0.99) by Suzanne Marriott: There are 53 million family caregivers in the United Sates, and many feel isolated and overwhelmed. In Watching for Dragonflies, Suzanne reaches out to other caregivers and anyone who has experienced a life-changing crisis, inviting them to explore the many avenues of growth and transformation that uninvited change can bring.

This deal is good on December 12, 2023


Saint Richard Parker on Kindle

Saint Richard Parker ($2.99) by Merlin Franco: “It is like a male version of Eat, Pray, Love.” —Goodreads. In a sleepy South Indian village, one man receives a prophecy saying his destiny lies in the East. Follow Richard Parker as he traverses the market streets, ballrooms, tantric retreats, and pristine jungles of Southeast Asia, in search of love and enlightenment.

This deal is good on December 12, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

Travel Adventures for the Young at Heart on Kindle

Travel Adventures for the Young at Heart ($0.99) by Sunny and Al Lockwood: When Al and Sunny Lockwood register for a 12-day Mediterranean cruise, little do they know that their trip will morph into 42 days of old world wonders, quaint hotels, colorful characters, glittering memories and delicious fun. Join them through these 3 award-winning travel memoirs and get set for the trip of a lifetime.

This deal is good on December 12, 2023


The Proven, No-Training Baby Sleep Solution on Kindle

The Proven, No-Training Baby Sleep Solution ($0.99) by Charlotte Grace Bennett: Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights! As a seasoned pediatric sleep consultant and a mother who has walked in your shoes, Charlotte Grace Bennett offers a kind-hearted, practical solution. Her advice is backed by extensive research and real-world testing, making the book a trustworthy companion for any parent in need of guidance.

This deal is good on December 12, 2023


480 Codorus Street Book II: Trials and Tribulations on Kindle

480 Codorus Street Book II: Trials and Tribulations ($4.80) by Sandra L. Kearse-Stockton: This book is a continuation of 480 Codorus Street Book I. The life of a young Negro girl whose life started in York, Pennsylvania in the 1940s. This book is not a book of fiction but, a true mental collage of a 19-year-old widowed girl with four children, finding her way through the personal storms that life takes one through.

This deal is good on December 12, 2023


Bad Deal for America on Kindle

Bad Deal for America ($0.99) by David Schein: Bad Deal for America explores the high-stakes game U. S. politicians are playing with the taxpayers’ money. The major players, themselves like a deck of cards, have shown us in their own words that the political system is broken. Told in an entertaining and unique way, this book is a call to arms by holding the political class responsible.

This deal is good on December 12, 2023


Give Yourself Permission: Be Confident Be Happy Be You on Kindle

Give Yourself Permission: Be Confident Be Happy Be You ($0.99) by Cortney McDermott: Tedx Speaker, Cortney is an international expert in the field of self-development & business strategy & has been featured in Inc., Women’s Health, SUCCESS, The Huffington Post, & many other mainstream business & lifestyle media. Unlock your True Potential Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal transformation with this transformative guide.

This deal is good on December 12, 2023


Foot Soldier in the Fourth Industrial Revolution on Kindle

Foot Soldier in the Fourth Industrial Revolution ($0.99) by Jeffrey Cooper: This is the inspiring story of Jeffrey Cooper’s lifelong journey through the fast-paced and ever-changing world of technology, from computer operator to chip developer, and his search for meaning.

This deal is good on December 12, 2023


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Teen Guides, Hospitals, Mindset, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Dyslexia Tool Kit: What to Do When Phonics Isn't Enough on Kindle

Dyslexia Tool Kit: What to Do When Phonics Isn’t Enough ($0.99) by Yvonna Graham: Most dyslexia books focus on the challenges. This one harnesses dyslexic strengths to teach reading without stress or tears. Short chapters explain each tool simply so parents and teachers can quickly and easily help dyslexic kids soar!

This deal is good on October 27, 2023


Your Life; Speed Clean: Your Guide to the Art of Speed Cleaning, Easy to Follow Steps to Clean Your Home for Busy people on Kindle

Your Life; Speed Clean: Your Guide to the Art of Speed Cleaning, Easy to Follow Steps to Clean Your Home for Busy people ($2.99) by Kats Klause: “Get ready to revolutionize the way you clean and organize your home with ‘Your Life; Speed Cleaning’! This ground-breaking book offers a simple and effective approach to cleaning that will save you time and energy. With easy-to-follow steps and practical tips, you’ll learn how to streamline your cleaning routine and keep your home looking its best.

This deal is good on October 27, 2023


Start On Your Dreams: A Revolutionary Roadmap to Realizing Dreams and Achieving Success on Kindle

Start On Your Dreams: A Revolutionary Roadmap to Realizing Dreams and Achieving Success ($3.99) by Jerry Coy: “Start on Your Dreams” is a life-altering guide with powerful insights. Dive deep into transformative strategies and mindsets, curated by Jerry Coy to turn aspirations into realities. Experience the profound impact of this book, and let it be the catalyst for your personal and professional metamorphosis. Don’t just dream; begin your journey today.

This deal is good on October 27, 2023


The 200% Life: Your Guide to Spiritual Growth & Business Success Without Meditating on a Mountaintop on Kindle

The 200% Life: Your Guide to Spiritual Growth & Business Success Without Meditating on a Mountaintop ($4.99) by Adam Hergenrother: In a culture obsessed with external achievements, we often overlook the immense power of our inner world. The 200% Life will teach you how to use business and every moment of your day to expand your awareness, open your heart, and experience ever-new joy, absolute freedom, and total fulfillment. Business is but a conduit for your personal growth!

This deal is good on October 27, 2023


Teens' Guide to Making Friends (Teens' Guide series) on Kindle

Teens’ Guide to Making Friends (Teens’ Guide series) ($2.99) by Kev Chilton: Does it ever feel impossible to strike up a conversation with other people? Maybe you’ve tried and failed to make friends in the past. End social anxiety with the ‘Teen’s Guide to Making Friends’. Gain confidence, conquer insecurities, and master social situations. Learn to connect, overcome struggles, and step out of your comfort zone. Your path to easier, more rewarding friendships starts here!

This deal is good on October 27, 2023


Live Life On Purpose: From Running The Streets to Running a Beat on Kindle

Live Life On Purpose: From Running The Streets to Running a Beat ($0.99) by Adam Duran: Are you feeling lost and uncertain of your next steps? This book will help guide you to discovering your life’s true purpose. Once you know what that is, everything becomes a lot clearer! Adam Duran teaches you the daily disciplines and habits that will help get you there! They’re easy to follow and will make a big difference in the long run.

This deal is good on October 27, 2023


Surviving Your Hospital Stay: A Nurse Educator's Guide to Staying Safe and Living to Tell About It on Kindle

Surviving Your Hospital Stay: A Nurse Educator’s Guide to Staying Safe and Living to Tell About It ($0.99) by Julie Siemers DNP MSN RN: Dr. Julie Siemers, RN, offers a comprehensive guide in “Surviving Your Hospital Stay.” Navigate healthcare, advocate for loved ones, and ensure top-quality care with invaluable insights on medical errors, effective communication, and recognizing patient deterioration. Empower yourself for a safer hospital experience.

This deal is good on October 27, 2023


24-7 Mindset on Kindle

24-7 Mindset ($0.99) by Wally Elibiary: In 24-7 Mindset, Wally Elibiary will show you how to make more money than ever while working fewer hours in your business than ever before.

This deal is good on October 27, 2023


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Tick Cooper in Charleston and The Anarchist Thing to Do: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

Tick Cooper in Charleston on Kindle

Tick Cooper in Charleston ($0.99) by John Vance: Follow along on Tick Cooper’s second adventure – down to Charleston at the most significant moment in the city’s history. Meet many memorable and humorous characters throughout his journey on a steamboat, train, ocean packet, and on the streets of Charleston. Full of fun, the novel also features many challenges to Tick’s ingenuity and conscience.

This deal is good on October 6, 2023


The Anarchist Thing to Do on Kindle

The Anarchist Thing to Do ($0.99) by Michael Raship: The social changes that transformed the United States from the 1960s to the 1980s, are reflected in the story of a single eccentric family: The Moullay-Finsters are on a hopeless mission to spread their homemade hippie version of anarchism to mainstream America.

This deal is good on October 6, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

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Detective Jobs, Dramatic Tales, and Tragic Murders: Discounted Mystery / Thriller eBooks

The Art of Deception on Kindle

The Art of Deception ($0.99) by Louise Mangos: When a holiday romance in a ski resort leads to a dramatic tale of domestic abuse, Lucie is incarcerated in Switzerland’s only women’s prison for a murder she says she did not commit. She must discover a way to prove her innocence before her son is abducted. But who can she trust? Time is running out…

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


A Shot of Irish (Ray Irish Mysteries Book 1) on Kindle

A Shot of Irish (Ray Irish Mysteries Book 1) ($0.99) by Gordon Brewer: A hard-boiled detective tangled in a supernatural mystery. Following World War II, Ray Irish drifts into Oyster City. A chance encounter gives him an unanticipated detective job. Soon, Irish battles gangster thugs who have him in their sights while he follows a chain of unusual events which might lead to a murderer or his death.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

Fan Mail on Kindle

Fan Mail ($0.99) by Joseph Lewis: Fan Mail is a multi-layered coming-of-age story about a family of adopted brothers, embedded in a gripping thriller that will keep the reader guessing who is behind the letters and the car bomb, and fearing one or more of the boys may die before the culprit is found.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


A Shot of Murder (A Charley Hall Mystery Book 1) on Kindle

A Shot of Murder (A Charley Hall Mystery Book 1) ($0.99) by Brenda Gayle: She’s a reporter with a nose for trouble. But when the story is murder, will she end up above the fold or get buried in the back?

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


Follow Her Home on Kindle

Follow Her Home ($0.99) by Emerald O’Brien: This Halloween, Lynda’s desperate to leave the past behind her after the tragic murder of her musician father. But when a series of mysterious events occur after she joins a band, she wonders if she’s destined for the same fate… Is it paranoia — or is Lynda an unwitting participant in someone’s dark, deadly game?

This deal is good on October 2, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books Google Play

Boot Scootin' Bump Off (Bucket List Mysteries Book 2) on Kindle

Boot Scootin’ Bump Off (Bucket List Mysteries Book 2) ($0.99) by S.C. Merritt: A wild ride of music, mayhem and murder in Music City, USA When best friends, Maisie and Dot chose Nashville, Tennessee as the first bucket list destination in their new Airstream travel trailer, they never dreamed a night at the Grand Ole Opry and backstage passes to the star-studded after-party would end up in murder.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


Where the Light Shines Through (The Olivia Penn Mystery Series Book 1) on Kindle

Where the Light Shines Through (The Olivia Penn Mystery Series Book 1) ($4.99) by Kathleen Bailey: Olivia Penn’s plans for a fun visit to her hometown of Apple Station, Virginia, unravel when a shocking murder occurs upon her arrival. When her childhood friend is accused of the crime, she investigates and discovers family secrets that change both of their lives. For fans of Clue, Nancy Drew, and small town, cozy mysteries with heart and humor.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


Falling Girl (A Navajo Nation Mystery Book 10) on Kindle

Falling Girl (A Navajo Nation Mystery Book 10) ($1.99) by R. Allen Chappell: Chappell’s knowledge of the Navajo people shines through as Harley Ponyboy falls into a fortune which quickly makes him a target of evil intent – threatening friend and foe alike. Characters as unforgettable as a New Mexico sunset lead readers on yet another exciting journey through the mysterious aura of that land which is the Diné Bikeyah.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


First In Series on Kindle

First In Series ($0.99) by Reagan Davis: Two very clever, but very different sleuths, Megan and Karla, follow the clues to figure out whodunit in this two-book cozy mystery collection. If you like humorous mysteries, small towns, a hint of romance, a close-knit community of lovable characters, close friendships, loving families, dogs, cats, and yummy food, these books are for you.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


Poison Orchids on Kindle

Poison Orchids ($0.99) by Sarah A.Denzil & Anni Taylor: Two 19-year-old girls are found running on a dark highway – bruised and bloody. Who were they fleeing from and why don’t the stories they tell match? Backpackers Hayley and Gemma were happy to find work on a farm that was full of backpackers like themselves. But why is the farm starting to seem more like a cult and why does the owner keep calling the girls his pretty, pretty orchids?

This deal is good on October 2, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

Darla's Delectables Food Truck Cozy Mystery Boxed Set (Books 1-12) on Kindle

Darla’s Delectables Food Truck Cozy Mystery Boxed Set (Books 1-12) ($0.99) by Susan Harper: A food truck, a dead body, and a murder mystery. Not the best way to launch a new business. Get all twelve food truck cozy mysteries from an international bestselling author today.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


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Chair Yoga, Simple Science, Happiness Book, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Your Life; Self Care: The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Life and Becoming the Best Version of Yourself on Kindle

Your Life; Self Care: The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Life and Becoming the Best Version of Yourself ($0.99) by Kats Klause: Embark on a transformative journey towards genuine well-being and personal growth. “Your Life: Self Care” offers the tools and inspiration needed to elevate your everyday life. Embrace the art of truly living well, because you deserve nothing less.

This deal is good on September 18, 2023


Chair Yoga For Senior Over 60 on Kindle

Chair Yoga For Senior Over 60 ($1.99) by The Star Publications: The Step-by-Step Guide to Master 90+ Poses for Posture, Mobility, Heart Health, and Weight Loss in Under 10 Minutes a day with the help of 28-day Beginner, Intermediate and Advance Challenge specifically designed for seniors to Live Happily and Independently Again!

This deal is good on September 18, 2023


The Happiness Book: The Science of Becoming and Staying Happy on Kindle

The Happiness Book: The Science of Becoming and Staying Happy ($0.99) by Tara Walsh: In a world of challenges and uncertainties, everyone seeks happiness. This book offers research-backed insights, 12 personality types, and strategies for aligning with happiness. By the time you finish reading it, you’ll have the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to make happiness a real part of your life. Start reading…

This deal is good on September 18, 2023


New Mexico Remembers 9/11 on Kindle

New Mexico Remembers 9/11 ($0.99) by Patricia Walkow: New Mexico Remembers 9/11 offers enlightening, sometimes heart-wrenching prose, thoughtful analysis, and evocative poetry about the terrorist attacks. What did the contributors see or tell their children? How did they get home? New Mexico may have been physically far from the devastation, but its heart was just next door.

This deal is good on September 18, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

AI: The Profitable Future of Innovation and Human Progress on Kindle

AI: The Profitable Future of Innovation and Human Progress ($0.99) by Janek Kruczkowski: Explore the power of AI for passive income in our book “AI: The Profitable Future.” Discover AI’s potential, create income streams, and tackle AI’s ethics with guidance from OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Perfect for entrepreneurs and dreamers seeking financial freedom.

This deal is good on September 18, 2023


Rebirth in the Rainforest: One Marine's Struggle with PTSD and the Power of Plant Medicine on Kindle

Rebirth in the Rainforest: One Marine’s Struggle with PTSD and the Power of Plant Medicine ($4.99) by Hosnick Martinez: Experience the emotional journey of a US Marine’s struggle with PTSD and addiction in ‘Rebirth in the Rainforest.’ Follow Omar Martinez’s path from the depths of despair to the healing power of the Costa Rican rainforest and the transformative lessons of plant medicine. This poignant and inspiring tale explores the resilience of the human spirit.

This deal is good on September 18, 2023


Chrysalis on Kindle

Chrysalis ($1.99) by Anna K. Abbi: If I were to meet you and take your hand, if at that moment I could give this learning to you, how glad it would make me! I extend this hope to you in book form. My intent is to tell you to “never give up,” never to be so overcome that you stop. We all have moments. This gift I was given is to show you any pain is worth the promise of the life that awaits you tomorrow. It’s free, it’s within you..

This deal is good on September 18, 2023


Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body on Kindle

Thinner Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Female Body ($0.99) by Michael Matthews: The bottom line is you can get that “beach-ready” body without following a bland, boring, bodybuilding diet and without doing exhausting strength training workouts you hate. And this exercise book shows you how.

This deal is good on September 18, 2023


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Young Women, Deadly Tales, and Treasure Hunters: Discounted Mystery / Thriller eBooks

The Gentleman's Choice on Kindle

The Gentleman’s Choice ($0.99) by Blake Rudman: Caught in a whirlwind of adverse publicity following a viewer’s death, the streaming show, The Gentleman’s Choice becomes the target for a sadistic killer – and it’s up to PI Vanessa Young to put a stop to it before more young women are murdered.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023


Arrietty on Kindle

Arrietty ($0.99) by Abby Davies: Our loved ones protect us. So what if you woke up one day to find yours gone? Your mum, your friends, your freedom – all gone. And the one person you trust may be hiding a terrible secret. Welcome to Arrietty’s life.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023


Twelve Mile Bank (AJ Bailey Adventure Series Book 1) on Kindle

Twelve Mile Bank (AJ Bailey Adventure Series Book 1) ($0.99) by Nicholas Harvey: In this touching tale of history and intrigue by USA Today Bestselling author, Nicholas Harvey, determined diver AJ Bailey hunts for a long-lost wreck near the island of Grand Cayman. Propelled by her grandfather’s tales, AJ must find the submarine before a ruthless treasure hunter destroys the priceless piece of history forever.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023


Moth Busters (Freaky Florida Investigations Book 1) on Kindle

Moth Busters (Freaky Florida Investigations Book 1) ($0.99) by Margaret Lashley: The X-Files meets the Three Stooges in this hilarious series fans are calling “Addictive — very addictive!” When tomboy Bobbie Drex goes looking for a new career, she stumbles upon a handsome-but-sketchy physicist out looking for Mothman. Is he crazy, or the sanest one in the bunch? Get set for a wacky, laugh-out-loud adventure! Full series in KU.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023


EX LIBRIS on Kindle

EX LIBRIS ($0.99) by John Oehler: 1st PLACE & GOLD MEDAL WINNER! — For centuries, a secret so powerful it could ignite global mayhem has been hidden in a forbidden book in Prague. EX LIBRIS tells of Dan Lovel, a retired Security Agent of Gypsy heritage, and his partner, Martine, who discover that secret and face soul-searching choices amidst a brutal web of conspiracy and murder.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023


Frontier Justice on Kindle

Frontier Justice ($2.99) by Michael Cardwell: Danny Coogan, a Montana Fish and Game Officer and Afghanistan veteran, returns to the small town of Darwin. But life becomes a nightmare when he is shot and left alone in the freezing countryside to struggle for survival. His assailant? A local he had considered a friend.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023


Wrong Side of the Claw (Mystic Notch Cozy Mystery Series Book 7) on Kindle

Wrong Side of the Claw (Mystic Notch Cozy Mystery Series Book 7) ($0.99) by Leighann Dobbs: Willa must investigate a string of robberies that end in murder when her sister, the county sheriff seems more interested in doing her nails than her job. Luckily she can talk to the victims ghost, unfortunately he is uncooperative. Good thing her cat, Pandora and the cats of mystic notch know the real reason for the murders.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023


Refuge on Kindle

Refuge ($2.99) by Jeff Kerr: Miranda Flores escapes death when a government hit squad in El Salvador murders her family. Raised in the United States, she returns to that country for refuge, only to encounter a xenophobic police state intent on purging the country of people like her. Now she must navigate a dangerous landscape in which everyone she meets is a potential enemy.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books Google Play

Murder Served Neat (A Cocktails and Catering Mystery Book 2) on Kindle

Murder Served Neat (A Cocktails and Catering Mystery Book 2) ($2.99) by Michelle Hillen Klump: Reporter-turned-cocktail mixologist Samantha Warren has just launched her new Cocktails & Catering business, and is serving up fancy cocktails at the German Texan Lodge’s Fourth of July Festival when a murder interrupts the festivities. Can Samantha solve the case and clear her mother’s best friend, or will the whole investigation go bottoms up?

This deal is good on July 24, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books Google Play

Caution! Twists Ahead!: 7 Rollercoaster Captivating Stories on Kindle

Caution! Twists Ahead!: 7 Rollercoaster Captivating Stories ($2.99) by Amresh Srivastava: Grab this cosy mystery Kindle ebook with 7 gripping stories. It’s a page-turner, difficult to stop till the end. And what an End. Surprising & unexpected. As in the reviews, you will love its twists and turns. So, hold tight and fly.

This deal is good on July 24, 2023


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Self Help Books, Learn Korean, Learn Languages, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Fluent On The First Try: How To Learn Any Language And Never Quit (How to Learn a Language Fast Book 1) on Kindle

Fluent On The First Try: How To Learn Any Language And Never Quit (How to Learn a Language Fast Book 1) ($0.99) by Federica Lupis: Still stuck on learning a language? Become fluent, with less effort. In this easy-to-follow guide, you will find out how to become fluent. Simply put, you will go from wanting to learn a language to mastering it. Are you ready to become fluent? Pick up your copy and start learning the most effective way now.

This deal is good on July 4, 2023


Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day on Kindle

Master Your Time in 10 Minutes a Day ($0.99) by Michal Stawicki: Your dreams can coexist with your life. Jobs. Kids. Chores. Bills. Full-time job. How to find time to follow your dreams? Discover specific, actionable and easy-to-implement techniques for even the busiest person. Written by a guy who hustled on the side for a decade to create a few different streams of income, and finally quit his job.

This deal is good on July 4, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

8 ¼ Rules for Resilience: How to Bounce Back in an Unpredictable World on Kindle

8 ¼ Rules for Resilience: How to Bounce Back in an Unpredictable World ($4.99) by Jackson Sherry: After a near-fatal accident left Jackson severely paralyzed, he rebuilt his life from the ground up. Everything he thought he knew about resilience turned out to be pure ego. Through trial and error, he created a system for tenacity based on the major setbacks in his life. The result was the 8 ¼ Rules for Resilience shared in this book.

This deal is good on July 4, 2023


The Last Self Help Book That You Will Ever Need to Be Happy on Kindle

The Last Self Help Book That You Will Ever Need to Be Happy ($2.99) by Dr. Don E. Miller: This whole book, in one way or another, is working on the premise: Control physiological arousal levels so we can be relatively free of most mental illnesses, anxiety, depression and be happy. Dr. Miller’s experience and multiple studies quoted in the book find that depression almost always precedes periods of high tension and anxiety.

This deal is good on July 4, 2023


Workbook: Fast Like a Girl on Kindle

Workbook: Fast Like a Girl ($0.99) by Alice Moore: The solution that could address the health frustrations that you’ve been missing all these years is holistic, quick, simple, and, best of all – free. Fasting is one of the most powerful ways to not only lose weight but also to give the body the much-needed break it craves – like a reset button for revitalization.

This deal is good on July 4, 2023


Learn Korean for Adult Beginners: Speak Korean in 30 Days (Books 1-3) on Kindle

Learn Korean for Adult Beginners: Speak Korean in 30 Days (Books 1-3) ($0.99) by Explore To Win: Do you find it challenging to learn Korean as an adult? Are you struggling to communicate effectively with others, understand written text, or express yourself confidently? If so, there’s a comprehensive solution: “Learn Korean for adult beginners”

This deal is good on July 4, 2023


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Epic Success, Balance Exercises, Exam Guide, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

How To Make A Hard Decision on Kindle

How To Make A Hard Decision ($0.99) by Wisdom University: Hard times and choices make hard individuals… learn to make solid tough calls by following the examples of the most pivotal global leaders! With our book, you’ll get the chance to pick the brains of the greatest decision-makers and learn from their experiences firsthand! You’ll get to make decisions with confidence and without regret.

This deal is good on July 3, 2023


Mastering ChatGPT for Beginners: How to Harness the Power of AI Language Models for Your Personal and Professional Growth on Kindle

Mastering ChatGPT for Beginners: How to Harness the Power of AI Language Models for Your Personal and Professional Growth ($0.99) by Shane Corbitt: Ignite your untapped potential with ChatGPT and revolutionize your personal and professional life using this comprehensive, step-by-step guide to AI mastery! In this guide, you’ll uncover everything you need to know about ChatGPT and how to use it to streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity.

This deal is good on July 3, 2023


The Gift of Failure: Turn My Missteps Into Your Epic Success on Kindle

The Gift of Failure: Turn My Missteps Into Your Epic Success ($0.99) by Ari Rastegar: Dive into ‘The Gift of Failure’ and immerse yourself in the inspiring story of Ari Rastegar, a real estate tycoon who turned his life’s setbacks into a source of strength. Uncover the principles and strategies that enabled him to build a thriving empire, and learn how to harness failure for your own success.

This deal is good on July 3, 2023


Off-Grid Living Guide on Kindle

Off-Grid Living Guide ($0.99) by Self Sufficient Group: Discover a sustainable off-grid life in 9 simple steps! This insightful guide empowers you to become self-sufficient, providing valuable information, practical advice, and alternative solutions for power, water, and supplies. Whether you’re fully embracing off-grid living or exploring a greener lifestyle, it’s your go-to tool for a new lifestyle.

This deal is good on July 3, 2023


Study and Exam Guide of Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) for Early Childhood Education (Test Preparation Book 6) on Kindle

Study and Exam Guide of Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) for Early Childhood Education (Test Preparation Book 6) ($4.99) by Dr. Vince Mikael Powers: The Study and Exam Guide for Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Early Educators (GACE) for Early Childhood Education is a strategic and concise study guide that aims to equip you for the GACE 2023–2024.

This deal is good on July 3, 2023


55 Essential Balance Exercises For Seniors on Kindle

55 Essential Balance Exercises For Seniors ($2.99) by Brandon Lee: Get ready to restore your strength and balance and restore your overall health even after 70! While you can’t avoid aging, you can avoid falling and getting injured by building strength and restoring balance. This book provides the right exercises that help you achieve these fitness goals and, more importantly, how to do these workouts safely.

This deal is good on July 3, 2023


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Chair Yoga, Weight Loss, Self-Publishing, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

The ChatGPT Solution on Kindle

The ChatGPT Solution ($3.99) by A M Murdock: This groundbreaking book will teach you how to harness the power of ChatGPT to streamline your workflow and supercharge your productivity. With step-by-step instructions and practical examples, you’ll learn how to research, create, and promote engaging content with ease, leaving you more time to focus on the things that really matter.

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


Stressed Out on Kindle

Stressed Out ($4.99) by Max Sampson: Stressed Out: 13 Powerful Methods to Stop Stress, Recognize Triggers, Curb Toxic Overthinking, and Manage Anxiety… will show you how to recognize and counteract the factors that make you stressed, burnt out, and exhausted, so you can push back against stress and finally live life on your own terms.

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


Why I Am Not Losing Weight & Food Planner for Weight Loss on Kindle

Why I Am Not Losing Weight & Food Planner for Weight Loss ($4.99) by Tom Golke: Why am I not losing weight? Because you approach the topic too one-dimensionally. With my book, you will see your desired weight in the mirror. My test readers needed 1,5-7,5 months to reach their weight & health goals. Nutrition is only 1 of the 7 rules. Even with a bad diet, you achieve it if you follow other rules. Check 110+ Amazon ratings!

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


Self-Publishing Fast Track: 7 Easy Steps to Write Your First Book and Share Your Story on Kindle

Self-Publishing Fast Track: 7 Easy Steps to Write Your First Book and Share Your Story ($0.99) by Jenelle Jack: Your personal brand and platform can skyrocket just from self-publishing one book. Self-Publishing Fast Track will teach you how to efficiently write, publish, and position your book to reach readers and make an impact. Get the step-by-step system that will help you write with confidence, hit the publish button, and share your story with readers.

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


His Mother's Son on Kindle

His Mother’s Son ($0.99) by Paul Anthony: “His Mother’s Son” is a powerful memoir of personal growth and self-discovery. Paul Anthony overcame a traumatic childhood, finding his identity and offering candid insights into emotional healing. Join his journey to personal growth with practical self-help advice.

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


Happy Bastards: An Eye-Opening Guide to an Extraordinary Life and Not Oversleeping on What Matters Most on Kindle

Happy Bastards: An Eye-Opening Guide to an Extraordinary Life and Not Oversleeping on What Matters Most ($0.99) by Alex Monaco: Are you ready to meet Happy Bastards? From the brilliant mind of talented author Alex Monaco, comes a thrilling read that will leave you hooked from beginning to end! A must-read for anyone looking for a self-help masterpiece. Don’t miss out on the chance to get your hands on this captivating book, available on Amazon for a special price of $0.99!

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


Chair Yoga for Seniors: Unleash Your Inner Strength and Vitality with Chair Yoga on Kindle

Chair Yoga for Seniors: Unleash Your Inner Strength and Vitality with Chair Yoga ($0.99) by Helen Stone: Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that uses a chair as a prop to modify traditional yoga poses. It’s perfect for seniors who may have limited mobility and balance issues or for those who are recovering from injury. This book offers step-by-step instructions and clear illustrations to guide you through a variety of chair yoga poses.

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


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How to Find Fantasy Book Recommendations

Are you a fan of fantasy books and looking for your next great read? With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the next book to dive into. If you’re looking to escape to another world, fantasy books are the perfect place to get lost in. Fortunately, there are several methods to find fantastic fantasy book recommendations that you may not have considered before.

Whether you’re a seasoned fantasy reader or just starting to explore the genre, this guide will help you discover new and exciting books to add to your reading list!

Social Media Platform Book Communities (Booktok, Bookstagram, Booktube)

Social media platforms can provide you with an endless stream of book recommendations from fellow book lovers. Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube, each has their own book communities filled with creators providing great book recommendations.

Specifically, accounts like The Book Factor create fun and engaging content that helps readers discover new books. By exploring social media platforms, readers can become connected to accounts in the book community that are centered around your specific likes. They can also help you gauge whether a particular book might be worth your time.


These are the books everyone is talking about! #booktok#bookstagram#buzzybook #newbooks #newreleases #thingswenevergotover #booktoker #bookrecs

♬ original sound – The Book Factor – The Book Factor

Social media platforms also offer a wide range of features that can help you narrow down your search for fantasy book recommendations. You can easily find these recommendations by following hashtags like #bookstagram or #booktok or #FantasyBooks. If you’re looking to fill your Fantasy bookshelves, then those are great places to check.

Online Websites

Websites such as Goodreads, Kirkus Reviews, and newsletter sites are other excellent options for finding fantasy book recommendations. These sites have a community of book lovers who share their thoughts on books they have read, making it easy for you to find your next great read.

For example, newsletter websites like Bargain Booksy, Freebooksy, and NewInBooks, aim to provide readers with a list of book recommendations catered to their preferences. On Goodreads, you can find a personalized list of recommendations based on your interests. You can also explore the “Recommendations” tab on the website, which provides a variety of suggestions based on the books you’ve already read.

These options are important to consider during your journey to finding fantasy books. Whether you are finding customized lists on Goodreads or exploring different newsletter websites, it is possible to find an abundance of fantasy book recommendations in both cases.

Bloggers and Online Book Blogs

Online blogs and bloggers can be great resources for finding fantasy book recommendations. Book bloggers typically specialize in reviewing and recommending books, including fantasy novels, and they often have a wide range of knowledge and experience in the genre.

Many book bloggers create lists of recommended books based on different themes. For example, blogs like The 10 Best Time Travel Books to Read Right Now are perfect for helping you find specific books within the fantasy genre that might spark your interest.

Book blogs are a great resource for finding fantasy book recommendations because they provide a wealth of opinions, in-depth reviews, and personalized recommendations. By following a few book blogs centered on the fantasy genre, you should be able to find plenty of great books to add to your reading list.

Traditional Routes

One of the most traditional ways of finding fantasy book recommendations is by asking friends and family. If you have friends who love to read fantasy books, ask them what they’re currently reading and if they have any recommendations.

Another option is to visit your local library or bookstore and ask the staff for suggestions. They are often knowledgeable about books and can point you in the right direction based on your interests.

Additionally, bookstores often have displays featuring new releases or popular books in different genres, including fantasy. These displays can be a great way to discover new fantasy book recommendations that you might not have heard of before.

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