The Immortal Beloved and They Stay: Discounted Young Adult eBooks

The Immortal Beloved ($2.99) by D.J. Birch: Since the fateful night of her father’s murder, Elizabeth has always felt a silent protector watching over her. As she prepares for her senior year of high school, Elizabeth’s wildest dreams come true when her protector reveals himself as Remiel, her guardian angel. Drawn to the one person she considers her only salvation, Elizabeth may realize too late that her defender may also be her damnation.

This deal is good on February 19, 2023


They Stay (They Stay Series Book 1) ($4.99) by Claire Fraise: There’s no way she’s going to believe in ghosts. But when her sibling is kidnapped, the only clues she has come from the other side…

This deal is good on February 19, 2023


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