The Dawning: 31,000 BC and The Relic of Lemuria: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

The Dawning: 31,000 BC ($1.99) by Richard W. Wise: An age-old story of deadly struggle, lovers torn apart and their unwavering promise to find each other again. Can Ejil and Lada beat the odds despite growing tensions between the Cro-Magnons and Neaderthals? Travel back to the Ice Age with Richard W. Wise’s “The Dawning” to find out.

This deal is good on February 25, 2023

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The Relic of Lemuria (The Genevieve Stone Adventures Book 1) ($0.99) by John Donlan: The death of a museum security guard in Victorian London propels antique shop owner and amateur archaeologist Genevieve Stone into investigating. What begins as a compelling mystery soon turns into a race against time, and across half the world, with the fate of someone she cares deeply about hanging in the balance. First in a series of five books.

This deal is good on February 25, 2023


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