Successful Business Lessons, Abandoned Wives, BPD Survival Guide, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks
Lessons My Brothers Taught Me: How to Transform Your Personal Qualities Into A Successful Business ($1.99) by Charles D. McCarrick: If you are determined to run your own business, despite lacking any previous experience or formal training in that field this book is for you. You’ll discover that you already possess the pieces to build your own success.
This deal is good on March 14, 2023
Bathsheba Spooner: A Revolutionary Murder Conspiracy ($4.99) by Andrew Noone: In 1778, loyalist Bathsheba Spooner arranged the murder of her patriot husband with the help of three British and American accomplices. All were hanged for the crime; Spooner, five months pregnant, was the first woman executed in the US. Jonathan Cohn of the Huffington Post writes “… meticulously researched, elegantly told…”
This deal is good on March 14, 2023
It’s Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It’s About Healing Complex PTSD ($0.99) by Mary Giuliani: Your Struggle With Food, Weight, or Substances Is Not Your Fault, It’s A Normal Response To Surviving An Abnormal Childhood. In This Blending of Memoir, Science-Based Research & Compassionate CPTSD Workbook, You’ll Learn: You’re not alone; you’re not bad or defective; it’s not your fault, your symptoms are normal, and you can heal. Buy Now!
This deal is good on March 14, 2023
365 Daily Affirmations: Breaking ‘My Self-Erected’ Mental Chains ($3.99) by Franklin N. Nyiawung: Our rise and fall are dependent on our mental state. Check out this daily guide of affirmations that can support your self-transformation journey with a goal of helping you see more opportunities rather than challenges; love instead of fear, humanity instead of morality; progress instead of movement. YOUR BLISS IS WITHIN YOU!!!
This deal is good on March 14, 2023
Borderline Personality Disorder: A BPD Survival Guide ($0.99) by Anna Nierling: Do you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of intense emotions and impulsive behavior?
Written specifically for those with BPD, this book offers a compassionate overview of a complex disorder. Escape the cycle of pain and confusion that comes with BPD. Get the information to overcome this disorder and start living the fulfilling life you deserve.
This deal is good on March 14, 2023
The Politics of the Insecure: How Politics Creates Passive Fascists ($4.99) by Alper Meydan: In this book, the reader will witness how different people and societies talk. What are the definitions of political terms and how we can see what was happening last century in dictatorial countries, again in front of our own eyes? Afterward, the author will show the geopolitics of the 21st century with propaganda to justify it.
This deal is good on March 14, 2023
The Abandoned Wives Handbook ($0.99) by Pat Backley: The pain of abandonment is huge. The partner you loved and cherished has decided you are no longer required. Past your sell-by date. This little book is like a dictionary of distress, something you can dip into at any time. I am not an expert, merely someone who has survived abandonment and emerged as a stronger, more resilient person.
This deal is good on March 14, 2023
Why You Should Never Date a Manager ($0.99) by Daniel Hermann: ★★★★★ “This book explains fifteen fundamental economic theories in the simple and enjoyable context of dating. It will provide you with the DOs and DONTs for your dating life from a manager’s perspective.”
This deal is good on March 14, 2023
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