Within and Without Time, The Barren Fields, and Guru In The Glass: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks

Within and Without Time (Book 1) ($0.99) by D. I. Hennessey: Experience the Origin of a Prophet… A boy is caught up in a miraculous adventure that transforms his life and changes the world! – A powerful book! His heartwarming, and heart-rending journey will inspire tears and laughter and leave your heart rejoicing as he experiences the most profound truths of God’s immense power and immeasurable love.

This deal is good on April 5, 2023


The Barren Fields ($0.99) by Valicity Elaine: Thanks to nuclear bombs, the world outside is dead. Radiation has forced survivors to live indoors, but when Shon hears rumors of a settlement for Christians seeking shelter, she sets out to cross the American wasteland with nothing but the clothes on her back.

This deal is good on April 5, 2023


Guru In The Glass: A Mysterious Encounter While Dying To Live The Unlived Life ($0.99) by Curtis Tyrone Jones: On his way to the bridge to take his life, mysterious things happen that lead Skyler on a journey of self discovery where he must decide if his unlived life is even worth fighting for.

This deal is good on April 5, 2023


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