Boys of Courage and American Brush-Off: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Boys of Courage (World War II Brave Women Fiction Book 2) ($0.99) by Amos Blas: Boys of Courage is a window into the horrors of the Holocaust. It tells the story of two young boys who, against all odds, learned to cope by overcoming hardship and loss with strength and resilience.

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


American Brush-Off ($0.99) by Max Willi Fischer: The forgotten internment of World War II… It’s 1942, and Lud Mueller is an All-American boy. He’s got it all—looks, athletic ability, and the sweetest girl between Chicago and New York. Now, the only country he’s ever known has a plan to tear his life to pieces. Interned in the Texas desert, he and his family become pawns in a secret WWII plan.

This deal is good on April 23, 2023


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