Legend of the Winged Lion and Carter Twins Mysteries: Discounted Children’s eBooks

Legend of the Winged Lion ($1.00) by Cheryl Burman: A diamond tumbles into a chasm. Lightning arcs across a starlit sky. A forgotten Evil wakes. ‘Cheryl Burman’s magic touch brings evil to life in a battle not all will survive. This is what can happen when dreams come true.’ For ages 9 and up, and up.

This deal is good on May 12, 2023


Carter Twins Mysteries: The Secret Room ($2.99) by R.C. Lovett: In The Secret Room, Cece and Ryan prepare for the annual Christmas Eve pageant. While practicing for the show, Cece finds a strange painting that soon unlocks a secret that has been hidden for many years. The Secret Room is a joyful story, that reminds readers about the true meaning of Christmas.

This deal is good on May 12, 2023


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