DiPaolo and the Colonel and Tangled Branches: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Tangled Branches ($2.99) by William Bailey: Tangled Branches is a week-long discussion between the author and the African-American grandson of his mother’s maid. It is the story of a middle age white man facing his own fears of racial prejudice and the responsibility to tell the African-American family’s history. It is the true story of the black family history through the white family.

This deal is good on May 15, 2023


DiPaolo and the Colonel ($4.98) by Steve Bartholomew: “You are the only one who saw a president assassinated. That makes you the expert.”
 Having failed to protect McKinley, Martino DiPaolo, hesitates to guard his successor. But another man believes that McKinley’s ghost urged him to kill Roosevelt. That sworn commitment of a madman persuades DiPaolo to follow his call of duty.

This deal is good on May 15, 2023

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