Malketh and the Undead and Ebony and Her Crown: Discounted Children’s eBooks

Malketh and the Undead (Raven, Romda and Ravai Book 2) ($3.99) by Dave Maruszewski: The Raven, Romda and Ravai Middle-Grade series continue with Malketh and the Undead. After years of exile and being buried in a catastrophic incident, Malketh, a former mage of the kingdom, has returned. This time he brings an entire undead army with him. Content includes some violence and magic, but avoids profanity, lewdness, and mature themes.

This deal is good on May 20, 2023


Ebony and Her Crown ($0.99) by Nicole Marshall: This story was written to inspire young children to love the skin they’re in. Ebony and Her Crown highlight the perspective of a curious toddler having a big afro and is uncertain about the nature of her hair. Ebony then turns to her mother for answers. This mother-daughter duo, take a trip to the beauty salon, and Ebony learns a valuable lesson about her hair (crown).

This deal is good on May 20, 2023


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