The Amber Crane and Time Passed: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

The Amber Crane ($0.99) by Malve von Hassell: The Amber Crane pushes the boundaries of time-travel fiction and of your imagination in this tale of a journey from the past into the present, set in two devastating wars three hundred years apart and steeped in the lore and legends of amber from the shores of the Baltic Sea.

This deal is good on June 17, 2023

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Time Passed ($0.99) by Robert Barlow Jr: Three soldiers’ gut-wrenching stories of harrowing struggles in the Vietnam War. Not your typical Vietnam War novel. The stories of Daniel Gardner, Phillip Russ and Benjamin Simms will strike an emotional chord. You will witness an otherworldly event to honor the thousands whose bodies remain missing.

This deal is good on June 17, 2023

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