Chasing Rabbits, 1842, and FACTORY: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

Chasing Rabbits on Kindle

Chasing Rabbits ($0.99) by Rodolfo Del Toro: An award-winning book about a medical student’s unexpected but inspirational journey, where he is forced to learn about life and death from his new patients, the children of the pediatric oncology unit.

This deal is good on July 10, 2023


1842 on Kindle

1842 ($0.99) by Koby Bowie: 1842 is a story about two boys growing up in Oklahoma, playing baseball, and going through their respective traumas. Though from two very different worlds, their paths merge during crucial moments in their adolescent lives. Common themes: romance, sports, relationships, marriage, dating, purity, Christian principles. Get a copy of 1842 today!

This deal is good on July 10, 2023


FACTORY: An Anthology of Flash Fiction on Kindle

FACTORY: An Anthology of Flash Fiction ($2.99) by Giancarlo Vanzzini: Prepare to embark on a literary journey unlike any other. “FACTORY,” a unique anthology of flash fiction, brings to life a world that harmonizes the rustic roar of industrialization with the rich tapestry of human narratives.

This deal is good on July 10, 2023


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