Invisible Scars, Toxic Thoughts, Stroke Survival, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks
More Forgiveness: Letting Go and Moving On (The MORE Series Book 11) ($0.99) by Betsy Duffey: Forgiving is challenging. We suffer pain in life—pain often caused by others. We are trapped by hurt and bitterness. How can we forgive those who inflicted the pain and suffering we didn’t deserve? These 30 exercises, prayers and meditations can help you to move from unforgiveness to freedom.
This deal is good on August 23, 2023
The Art of Schmoozing ($2.99) by Joseph Sanchez: The Art of Schmoozing: Mastering the Power of Personal Connections” is an indispensable guide to mastering the art of networking. Packed with practical advice, this comprehensive book offers a step-by-step approach to building and nurturing a powerful network of professional and personal connections.
This deal is good on August 23, 2023
Healing Toxic Thoughts: A Guide to Personal Transformation ($0.99) by Alison Carter: Toxic thoughts are those negative, repetitive thoughts that run through your mind constantly, cause you to ruminate on them, and worry about them, and keep you trapped in a negative spiral. Healing Toxic Thoughts paves the way for you to escape from destructive thought patterns by providing clear guidance and helpful advice.
This deal is good on August 23, 2023
American Christianity: Black Liberation White Legalism ($0.99) by Pastor Owen E. Williams: A strongly documented book that will help the reader understand the calling upon Christians. The Church is the body of Christ and as such, it should embody and act the Christian values in the world. This has not always been the case. Pastor Owen Williams analyzes the lukewarm role of the Church throughout history and calls for an improvement.
This deal is good on August 23, 2023
Learn ChatGPT – The AI Solutions Method Book ($0.99) by William Leeson: William Leeson’s ChatGPT AI Solutions method book steers you into the future workforce where a working knowledge of AI for competitiveness is essential. Using intelligent ChatGPT prompts and advanced optimization techniques, he’ll fill the gaps in the money-making equation for you. Includes bonus videos and 40,000+ prompts!
This deal is good on August 23, 2023
Living Without Fear: Using The Psalms To End Your Worry And Anxiety ($0.99) by Kirsten Birkett: Have you ever wondered how you can combat anxiety? In this book, author Kirsten Birkett (Ph.D.) will teach you how to do just that with the help of psalms. She will show you how you can read the selected psalms deeply, how to gain practical insights from them, how to apply these insights to the issue of anxiety, and how to put this into practice.
This deal is good on August 23, 2023
Invisible Scars: Stroke Survival, Recovery, and the Unexpected Mental Health Fallout ($0.99) by Angie Read: You survived a stroke, but now you’re dealing with the painful uncertainty, anxiety and depression left in its wake. You’re ready to take control and take back your mental health—you just need a little help. This book will help you feel less alone and confused and inspire you on your road to recovery.
This deal is good on August 23, 2023
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