Landing by Moonlight and A Maiden’s Prayer: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks
Landing by Moonlight (American Spy Sisters Book 1) ($0.99) by Ciji Ware: Ciji Ware – NY Times & USAToday bestselling author presents a novel inspired by true stories of exceptional American women and men who volunteered as secret agents, parachuting into occupied France during WWII to join the resistance and win the war.
This deal is good on August 31, 2023
A Maiden’s Prayer: A Family Story Set in 1970s Sri Lanka ($4.00) by Srianthi Perera: In this whimsical historical literary novel set in the tropics, Tamara de Silva reflects with wit and warmth on her uncle, a rich engineer with a lazy approach to matrimony. Chapters are colored by characters including astrologers and matchmakers. Life in this Asian country is a world apart, but speaks to the universality of the human experience.
This deal is good on August 31, 2023
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