Hot Planet, Room For Another, and Whispers of the Time Museum: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

Hot Planet on Kindle

Hot Planet ($0.99) by Michael Burns: “This is a tight, well-crafted novel about decades of environmental pollution overloading the ecosystem so much that runaway global warming is triggered in the not-too-distant future.” Books of the Southwest.

This deal is good on September 6, 2023


Room For Another: A Courageous Adoption Story Based on True Events on Kindle

Room For Another: A Courageous Adoption Story Based on True Events ($0.99) by Diane Dresback: After a broken childhood, the death of her mother, an unloving stepmother, and an uninvolved father, Theresa must summon the strength to face the hardest challenge of her life—an unwanted pregnancy. A fictionalized account based on the true life events of author Diane M. Dresback’s biological mother.

This deal is good on September 6, 2023


Whispers of the Time Museum: A Day with Da Vinci on Kindle

Whispers of the Time Museum: A Day with Da Vinci ($0.99) by Wilhelm Porterfield: A Day in a Museum: A Day with Da Vinci tells the story of Huck, who is struggling to adjust to moving to a different city and settling in, all while witnessing his parents’ marriage slowly fall apart.

This deal is good on September 6, 2023


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