The Carrier and Alma’s Loyalty: Discounted Young Adult eBooks

The Carrier: The Hunt Begins ($0.99) by Sean Malloy: In the small town of Ashford Pines, Eva’s life-threatening encounter with a lab experiment gone wrong sparks murderous visions. As her powers develop, she leans on her best friend and teacher, while evading a relentless ex-mercenary. Now, she must escape the clutches of Ticonderoga Corp or face becoming their property — or something far worse.

This deal is good on September 15, 2023


Alma’s Loyalty (Sassy Saints Series Book 2) ($0.99) by Amra Pajalic: Alma’s perfect family is fractured when her father finds out he has a long-lost daughter from his first marriage. When his overtures are rebuffed, it’s up to Alma to bring her new-found sister, Sabiha, into the family fold.

This deal is good on September 15, 2023

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