Alaskan Escape and Hermes and The Akashic Records: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks

Alaskan Escape (Alaskan Women of Caliber Series) ($0.99) by Maryann Landers: When given a second chance to succeed with our own boat, will my family and marriage break deep when waves of despair rush into filling me with doubt? Or will we find the reserves to weather the storm?

This deal is good on September 30, 2023


Hermes and The Akashic Records ($3.99) by David Thompson: So, are you prepared to journey into your own Akashic tale, transcending the limitations of terrestrial insights to touch the divine? It’s not simply a pursuit; it’s a summons to metamorphose the quotidian into the magical, to lift the commonplace into the realm of the divine.

This deal is good on September 30, 2023


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