A Kind of Homecoming and The Tobacco Child: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

A Kind of Homecoming ($0.99) by Gary Baysinger: Rose, born and bred English, finds camaraderie and love with Sebastian, a German, in a world sweetly unaware that the Great War is about to erupt. As fate steps in, their chance at happiness risks becoming another casualty on the fields of Flanders.

This deal is good on October 5, 2023


The Tobacco Child ($2.99) by Lindie Heeralall: A 17th century mixed-race tobacco maid is struck by the falling and a fearful village, troubled by hunger and sickness, accuses her of witchcraft. She escapes the noose and sails to Virginia on a journey of survival and discovery. Take the long way home with Avis Wynter.

This deal is good on October 5, 2023


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