Secrets Gnaw at the Flesh and Maypole: Discounted Horror eBooks

Secrets Gnaw at the Flesh (Virulent Nightmare Origins) ($0.99) by C.J. Weiss: A family of paranormal experts have kept ghosts and worse from escaping their haunted estate for generations. A young man marrying in must decide if that life is worth it for the woman he loves, but time is running out. As a historically malevolent haunting looms and secrets divide the family, a rift is opening that will seal them in for months.

This deal is good on October 23, 2023

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Maypole ($0.99) by Devon De’Ath: You can run from the past, but sometimes it catches up. Gruesome murders, missing children and unsettling whispers of an ancient evil. When Lisa Marston fled south from an abusive relationship and psychotic boss, she was looking forward to the peace and quiet of a tiny Kent village. But horror beyond belief lay in store, all tied to the Maypole.

This deal is good on October 23, 2023


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