Heart Models, Happy, Seniors, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks
The Thought Trap: How To Escape The Maze Of Overthinking And Carve The Path Toward Clarity, Control, And Confidence ($0.99) by Wisdom University: Overthinking is real but many of your fears are not. How do you combat an enemy that lives in your head? To be clear, overthinking itself is not a mental illness, but its presence as a symptom of more worrying issues is concerning. That alone should make you want to get a handle on your overthinking. If not for yourself, then for your loved ones.
This deal is good on November 8, 2023
How to Talk to Anyone ($0.99) by Marcus Smith: Communication is a crucial aspect of life. It is how you express your ideas, thoughts, opinions, feelings, and emotions. If you struggle to communicate or connect with others, do not fret! You have the power to change. The first step is to arm yourself with the right information. This is where this book steps into the picture. Grab a copy today!
This deal is good on November 8, 2023
How I Got Happy: The Messy Truth About Healing Past Trauma, Building Emotional Strength & Getting Happy Again ($0.99) by LearnWell Books: From deep depression and anxiety, Rose found her path back to happiness. This is her step-by-step journey and all of the lessons she learned along the way. Her victory is now your guidebook to find your own happiness. No matter how dark or how long it’s been, you can find your way back to happiness too. Take Rose’s hand. She knows the way.
This deal is good on November 8, 2023
Baofeng Radio: The Guerrilla’s Guide ($0.99) by Survival Strategies: Discover the world of Baofeng radios. Unearth their history, models, setup, and practical applications. Master communication, customization, and get equipped for versatile communication. Get your copy today!
This deal is good on November 8, 2023
Quick and Simple Chair Exercises for Seniors (Senior Fitness Series Book 1) ($0.99) by Audrey Fitzgerald: Make the golden years amazing years! Regain your flexibility and mobility and balance!
This deal is good on November 8, 2023
I Thought I Knew That (About Food) ($0.99) by Jake Ragen: I merged my love for food and trivia and came up with an engaging, entertaining read. Go through it yourself, while you travel or maybe with friends.
This deal is good on November 8, 2023
The HEART Model: An Integrated Faith-based and Psychological Approach to Heal from Trauma and Produce Balance in the Mind, Body, and Spirit ($0.99) by Benjamin Keyes: The HEART (Healing Emotional Affective Responses to Trauma) Model offers a spiritual framework, from a Judeo-Christian worldview, designed to work with those who have experienced traumas and hurts. This faith-based model utilizes and complements existing, secular models of treatment.
This deal is good on November 8, 2023
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