Mary’s Salvation, And…So We Walked and Surviving Grief and Loss: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks

Mary’s Salvation (The Chronicles of Mary Magdalene Book 1) ($4.99) by Steve Taylor: “Mary’s Salvation: Chronicles of Mary Magdalene” series, introduces readers to a profound narrative that reimagines Mary Magdalene’s journey. This book details her transformative encounter with Jesus and her subsequent awakening to a deeper spiritual truth. It sets the stage for an odyssey where Mary is disseminating the teachings of Jesus.

This deal is good on December 5, 2023

Kindle Kobo Apple Books

And…So We Walked ($0.99) by Rick and Jane McKinney: How would you respond if asked to do something you knew was impossible? Something so difficult, so crazy, so beyond your ability that it didn’t even make sense. You’d dismiss it, forget about it, and act like you were never asked, right? But what if it were God asking? What if you were absolutely sure that you had just heard God speak?

This deal is good on December 5, 2023


Surviving Grief and Loss: How the Broken-hearted Finds Comfort, Hope and Meaning in Jesus Christ ($0.99) by Shefflorn Ballantyne: Loss can be painful to bear. This Christian book takes you by the hand and provides comfort from the heart of our loving Jesus in your moment of pain and loss.

This deal is good on December 5, 2023


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