The Devil Within, The God Machine, and The Haunting of Alfred Lewis: Discounted Horror eBooks

The Devil Within ($0.99) by T.R. Slauf: In 1886, a dedicated doctor treats the ailments of the manic and hysterical. When his hospital is plagued by a series of inexplicable events unfold, Dr. Wilhelm Grey begins to question his own sanity. His eldest daughter is mutilated, a new patient tempts his mortal soul, and something unknown invites itself inside…

This deal is good on December 9, 2023

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The God Machine ($0.99) by Greg Gifune: In a hotel room on Cape Cod, a troubled young prostitute brutally takes her own life, leaving cryptic clues as to why written in blood on the walls. When head of hotel security and former cop Chris Tallo finds her savaged body, he sets out to discover why the woman committed suicide in such a vicious manner.

This deal is good on December 9, 2023


The Haunting of Alfred Lewis ($2.99) by Dianna Houx: Four Friends, a Funeral Home, and a Haunted Mansion…What Could go Wrong? Find out who dies, who’s already dead, and who lives to tell the tale in this riveting, small-town supernatural novella!

This deal is good on December 9, 2023


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