A Week in Time and Verses in the Sand: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

A Week in Time ($0.99) by Bett Rose: Join the neighbours of a small town in the UK and experience a week in WW2 Britain. Join their daily struggles to keep up a semblance of normal life whilst the bombs fall, the men are away fighting and the rationing and loneliness threatens to overwhelm them. And despite it all, some find a little romance.

This deal is good on December 15, 2023


Verses in the Sand (The United Irishmen Book 1) ($2.99) by Darren Beaming: A British officer and an Irish rebel are the sole survivors of a shipwreck in 1799. After overcoming their hostility toward each other, the officer teaches the rebel to read and write. Every day, the Irish rebel writes a verse of poetry in the sand only for the tide to wash it away. Friendships are tested by the arrival of a beautiful English lady.

This deal is good on December 15, 2023


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