The Cosmic Heart Collection, Fortitude, Resilience, and Hope, and Norse Mythology: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

The Cosmic Heart Collection (Volume 1) on Kindle

The Cosmic Heart Collection (Volume 1) ($0.99) by M J Dove & Marcy Calhoun: A book of wisdom and a heart-felt assortment of poems, prose, spiritual and philosophical reflections that expand the mind, speak to the soul, and touch the heart. You’ll feel as if you’ve received a rare gift: an offering of inspiration, insight, awareness, enlightenment, and a deeper connection with higher love. Click here to reconnect with your inner wisdom and the teachings of the Universe.

This deal is good on December 16, 2023


Fortitude, Resilience, and Hope (Books 1-3) on Kindle

Fortitude, Resilience, and Hope (Books 1-3) ($4.99) by A A Fishburn: An epic saga, this evocative, intriguing story of the Gordon Girls is now available in a 3-volume boxed set at a bargain price. Beautifully written, this is a story for your heart and your mind, one that will engage you with its characters and hold you to the very end. You will cry, laugh, marvel as these girls endure, and never lose hope.

This deal is good on December 16, 2023


Norse Mythology: The Complete and Unabridged Eddas Collection on Kindle

Norse Mythology: The Complete and Unabridged Eddas Collection ($0.99) by Henry Adams Bellows & More: Journey through Norse mythology with this collection. “The Poetic Edda” by Bellows reveals tales of gods like Odin and Thor. Sturluson’s “The Prose Edda” dives into skaldic poetry and myths. Guerber’s “Myths of The Norsemen” offers a broad retelling, while Wilmot-Buxton’s tales from Eddas and Sagas enchant newcomers. Dive deep into the mystical North, where tales of gods and heroes await!

This deal is good on December 16, 2023


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