Kaida Brightscales and the Magical Meadows and Starlight Soar: Discounted Children’s eBooks

Starlight Soar: Chase the Celestial Wonders ($3.96) by Michael Fink: In the quiet town of Stardust Hollow, a place where dreams spark in the night, Luna, a young and spirited explorer, stumbles upon an extraordinary secret tucked away in her backyard—the Starlight Soar, a celestial vessel dormant for centuries. Little did Luna know that this discovery would propel her into an enchanting journey that would defy the boundaries of imagination.

This deal is good on December 19, 2023


Kaida Brightscales and the Magical Meadows (Beehive Secrets Book 1) ($4.99) by Xanda Monteiro: Kaida Brightscales, a curious dragon, loves exploring the meadows near her cave. One day, she meets Bella the Bee, who is feeling sick, and she is not the only one. With the help of a hardworking ant and a knowledgeable butterfly, Kaida sets out on a mission to cure Bella and her friends of their mysterious sickness.

This deal is good on December 19, 2023

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