The Wolf and the Shepherd and The First Noël at the Villa des Violettes: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

The Wolf and the Shepherd on Kindle

The Wolf and the Shepherd ($3.99) by C. J. Thorin: Join Eliel, an elderly shepherd, on his final adventure. Witness a gripping battle between an old man and a dangerous wolf. A timeless struggle between good and evil. A tale that reaffirms the importance of bravery, family, and traditional values. Discover the unconditional love of a father in this captivating story.

This deal is good on December 19, 2023


The First Noël at the Villa des Violettes on Kindle

The First Noël at the Villa des Violettes ($2.99) by Patricia Sands: Katherine Price left behind her life in Toronto after her husband of 22 years left her behind. A home exchange in the magical south of France changed her in all good ways. A new adventure unfolded through the next few years proving it’s never too late to start over. Now hosting the first Christmas in her new home is going great, until it isn’t!

This deal is good on December 19, 2023

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