The Peculiar Affliction of Thomas Wade Duncan and Lantern Across the Sea: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

The Peculiar Affliction of Thomas Wade Duncan ($3.99) by Kip Koelsch: Thomas Wade Duncan lost a leg, his self-control, and his fiancée. A dark, Civil War-era tale of addiction, witchcraft, and an uncertain redemption.

This deal is good on December 22, 2023


Lantern Across the Sea (Lover of the Sea Book 1) ($0.99) by Michael Ponzio: “Spy novel or Love story? Lantern Across the Sea is a delightful romantic tale woven expertly into the rich political and religious history of the Mediterranean during the 13th Century” -Amazon review. A Genoese sailor and a fisherman’s daughter, in a world of pirates, assassins, slave traders, and family prejudice, must prevent a history-changing catastrophe.

This deal is good on December 22, 2023


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