Rogue Lawman and Letter from a Cave: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Rogue Lawman (Volume 1) ($0.99) by Peter Brandvold: Guided only by the barrel of his pistol, former deputy marshal Gideon Hawk no longer abides by conventional laws. Known as the Rogue Lawman, he serves his own brand of justice by carving his way through the West, leaving fallen criminals in his wake.

This deal is good on December 28, 2023


Letter from a Cave ($0.99) by Christa Polkinhorn: An emotional quest to uncover a seventy-year-old secret: Andreas, a stonemason, discovers a letter in a cave in the Swiss mountains, written by a young Jewish refugee to his pregnant wife during World War II, which sets him on an adventurous journey through Italy to find the intended recipient and her family.

This deal is good on December 28, 2023


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