A Little Fortitude and The Nine: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

A Little Fortitude (Fortitude Resilience and Hope Book 1) ($0.99) by A A Fishburn: Losing both parents, a young family is torn apart but sustained by Joyce at only 14. Based on fact, this is a truly memorable story of love and loss, fear and courage, hopelessness and endurance. The four Gordon sisters are eventually saved and cared for. It’s a remarkable expose of human nature, personified in the characters, for good or bad.

This deal is good on January 13, 2024


The Nine ($0.99) by Jeanne McWilliams Blasberg: When Hannah Webber sends her only son to a prestigious New England boarding school, she believes it’s the culmination of all their dreams. Sam enjoys the freedom too—until the night he stumbles on a shocking school secret. The Nine follows a young man whose choice to expose a corrupt world operating under its own set of rules risks his own future.

This deal is good on January 13, 2024

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