War Torn and The Imitation Army: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

War Torn (Book 1) ($0.99) by Jan Lloyd: 1942. A young violin virtuoso attempts to flee France and threats from an obsessive man, with her ailing Jewish husband. She finds herself shipwrecked in the Atlantic. Rescued by a German U-boat on patrol, now trapped within a steel cocoon, in a stifling atmosphere, amidst the relentless roar and smell of the engines and the threats from 50 testosterone-fueled young men, can it get worse?

This deal is good on March 26, 2024


The Imitation Army ($2.99) by D. Izmalkov: Notorious Irish mobster John Mason is on the run from the Boston police. Wanted for art forgery and theft he takes the only means of escape open to him and enlists under an assumed name in the U.S. Army, only to find himself transferred to London and second in a top-secret unit, tasked with decoding intercepted German messages.

This deal is good on March 26, 2024

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