There Are No Bibles in Heaven, Deeper Still, and The Presence of Jesus: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks

There Are No Bibles in Heaven: Walk and Talk with God All the Time, Just like You Will in Heaven

There Are No Bibles in Heaven: Walk and Talk with God All the Time, Just like You Will in Heaven ($0.99) by Daniel Green: Walk hand-in-hand with God, exploring the unimaginable wonders of heaven He wants to show you. Discover God’s relationship with His children in heaven and throughout history, which dramatically changed starting in the fourth century, profoundly impacting how we commune with the heavenly Father today.

This deal is good on May 25, 2024


Deeper Still: Devotional and Journal Prompts to Go Deeper with the Holy Spirit

Deeper Still: Devotional and Journal Prompts to Go Deeper with the Holy Spirit ($2.99) by Hillary Boone: Need to challenge your quiet time with the Lord? Desiring more from your faith walk? This 40-day devotional will deepen your walk no matter where you’re at on your faith journey. Allow me to invite you into the culmination of my professional and life experiences that forged the ministry time I have with the Holy Spirit. You won’t be disappointed!

This deal is good on May 25, 2024


The Presence of Jesus: The Early Church's Forgotten Path to Spiritual Growth

The Presence of Jesus: The Early Church’s Forgotten Path to Spiritual Growth ($2.99) by Joseph Clampitt: Modern Christians often struggle with the feeling that God is distant. However, this feeling of distance is not normal, and it was never God’s intention. Told from the viewpoint of a 21st-century Christian who is transported back to the time of the Apostles, this allegory describes common barriers to intimacy with God – and how to overcome them.

This deal is good on May 25, 2024


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